For me some of the 134xx WUs are great, up to 140k ppd vs 80k ppd normally.
But others are only bringing 40k ppd.
So far I’ve been getting more of the 140k ppd WUs. Hopefully it stays that way!
I'm glad it's working out for someone!
I'm getting killed over here. Yesterday I had a string of three in a row that performed 25% slower than the already slow ones I had been getting. I'm talking 60k PPD on a GPU that used to get 1M+. A unit that takes four hours to complete and maybe gets 9k points.
The project lead posted on the Folding Forum - lots of people are complaining about it (and there are those like you who love them). He said that the results returned are incredibly valuable and thanked everyone for contributing. It was enough to keep me going for a little bit. Looking forward to the end of this project though. I do feel like it's a waste of resources.
My 1060 GTX gets these and its PPD is unchanged @ 350k. I really need to shut that laptop off though. You wouldn't believe how hot the surface gets above the keyboard. Wipe it with a damp paper towel and you can see steam as it dries.