i'm just pissed 980 and now 1080 ti and I have seen very little progress out of them on dx12 and vulkan
I get the impression they are just butthurt about the whole vulkan/dx12 thing and don't want to work on it
and AMD ****ed them with freesync at the same time adding to the butthurt
but we need to take this to the new thread
not that muchI don't think NV is ignoring DX12/Vulkan - I think they are working on it, and the driver released last month that gave some performance boost in DX12 is evidence of that. Not sure how AMD has ****ed them with Freesync since they're still making money hand-over-fist with GSYNC.
As for DX12/Vulkan - How much can you do when the ability to code faster paths and optimizations has been stripped from you, though? I think the problem is that there isn't much they can do, and AMDs faster hardware is coming out to play now without AMDs terrible DX11 driver limiting it.
NVs coders that worked on DX11 have proven to be just as efficient or better than what the coders at game studios have been able to produce with DX12 thus far. NV has found some ways to make DX12 a bit more efficient on their driver end, getting 10-15% (from what I've read it was more like 7-12% from actual users) increases across the board, but again .. I'm not sure how much they can really do. You could blame the driver for poor DX11 performance, but you can't really do that with DX12 as that is the main feature of the API - taking control away from the driver.
I don't think NV is ignoring DX12/Vulkan - I think they are working on it, and the driver released last month that gave some performance boost in DX12 is evidence of that. Not sure how AMD has ****ed them with Freesync since they're still making money hand-over-fist with GSYNC.
As for DX12/Vulkan - How much can you do when the ability to code faster paths and optimizations has been stripped from you, though? I think the problem is that there isn't much they can do, and AMDs faster hardware is coming out to play now without AMDs terrible DX11 driver limiting it.
NVs coders that worked on DX11 have proven to be just as efficient or better than what the coders at game studios have been able to produce with DX12 thus far. NV has found some ways to make DX12 a bit more efficient on their driver end, getting 10-15% (from what I've read it was more like 7-12% from actual users) increases across the board, but again .. I'm not sure how much they can really do. You could blame the driver for poor DX11 performance, but you can't really do that with DX12 as that is the main feature of the API - taking control away from the driver.
If there were any questions of what 'drivers' could do with DX12/Vulkan one need only look at the 9xx series cards. The ones that were promised to have a-sync support, but then..... had it disabled at the driver level because of the massive performance hit it took due to the hardware's limitations. 980 Ti was touted as having it, but I think that gets overshadowed by the issues with its little brothers and the class-action lawsuit over their memory configurations.
Nvidia bet on the right horse it would seem with their focusing on DX11 for this generation, or... you could argue that they're what is holding back the developer community from new fancy toys...
Either way, with all of the major APIs, and I really hope Vulkan takes off, as OS-agnostic stuff is just nice to see because of what it means to the community as a whole... they will have to start to become more 'elegant' in their solutions, which I'd expect Volta to be.
Completely disagree with you here. There is zero evidence that NV is holding back developers from using DX12, and I haven't seen NV publicly complain that DX12 is putting them at a disadvantage either.
Entirely separate issue, and one I agree with you on, but then again ASYNC is not a DX12-compliance feature, it's a side-feature. Maxwell still has full DX12 support. I don't remember if my 980TI had "ASYNC SUPPORT" on the box, I don't think it did, and I can't seem to find anything with a quick google on that either. Either way, I agree with you on that.
Completely disagree with you here. There is zero evidence that NV is holding back developers from using DX12, and I haven't seen NV publicly complain that DX12 is putting them at a disadvantage either. NV used a lot of money and resources to get their DX11 driver as optimized as possible, and I'm confused why I should view that as a bad thing. What annoys me is that people act as if performance is terrible in games simply because DX12 is not on-par with DX11 on NV right now, except the fact that NVs DX11 is outperforming AMDs DX12 anyway. It's not like you're losing anything by using DX11 over DX12 - there are zero graphical features added with DX12, and by the time DX11 is phased out entirely, we'll be a generation past Volta at least. DX11 is a matured API with matured drivers on NVs side, while DX12 is still an infant. Why anyone expects a performance increase when we knew the entire time that NV has focused on better driver pathing and coding, and were going to lose that advantage with DX12, is beyond me.
I disagree. NV has been elegant with the use of great driver coding, pathing, and optimizations in order to make AMDs better hardware look slow. Now is where NV has to use brute force, as AMD has, in order to get the numbers up in DX12. Time to drop elegance and bust out the hammer.
Pascal is no slouch and was a huge increase over Maxwell. Volta will most likely be a smaller increase than Maxwell->Pascal was. I can't see a 40-50% increase (if not more) happening two architectures in a row, just doesn't seem feasible.
Maybe not directly doing it, but when Nvidia, the top dog (roughly 70% of the discrete GPU market) focuses just on current technology (DX11), and pretty much ignored future technology until recently (DX 12/ Vulkan), it holds back developers, there is no way around it. Developers can't/won't focus on DX12 or Even Vulkan, or spend as much resources in developing it if it only works good on 30% of the Hardware, that would be shooting themselves in the foot, and Nvidia knows this.
That is why Nvidia has such "great" DX 11 drivers as you believe because that is where nearly all of their focus and driver resources was at. AMD didn't focus and tie up all their resources on DX11 as Nvidia did, they looked and focused on the future, a decision that may not have paid off for DX11, but may Pay of huge for the future when DX12/Vulkan become Main stream.
If Vega is what people hope it is, you may see developers focus more on DX12/Vulkan going forward, and it may have a huge impact on Nvidia in the long run.
NWR what are you rambling on about again? I posted a link yesterday that showed the 1080ti stomping through Doom on Vulkan so what's their big problem? You just seem to flip flop between arguments that no one seems to know which argument you are actually supporting. Why don't you post some proof of the 1080/ti doing very poorly in DX12 and Vulkan. Maybe I've missed them and that's my bad who knows.
The quote I highlighted is also complete boll**ks because firstly AMD didn't have the money to develop their drivers and they actually made a shed load of engineers redundant to try and reduce their losses and and stem the hemorrhaging of cash.
NWR what are you rambling on about again? I posted a link yesterday that showed the 1080ti stomping through Doom on Vulkan so what's their big problem? You just seem to flip flop between arguments that no one seems to know which argument you are actually supporting. Why don't you post some proof of the 1080/ti doing very poorly in DX12 and Vulkan. Maybe I've missed them and that's my bad who knows.
The quote I highlighted is also complete boll**ks because firstly AMD didn't have the money to develop their drivers and they actually made a shed load of engineers redundant to try and reduce their losses and and stem the hemorrhaging of cash.