Driver leaks and developpers - let's talk !


Wild Coder
Ok, you all read the Rage3D news about the driver leaks and it's result : no more beta drivers for the developpers.

Personnally, I'm totally disgusted that because of one "stupid" guy who is not mature enough to respect a non disclosure agreement, all the developpers, specially the professionnal ones, who make 3D as part of their job, must pay the price.

There is more to this than just the fact the devs will no longer get beta drivers : the public released drivers will no longer be tested by people outside of ATI, and this means lower quality.

So what is the solution to this ?

I would appreciate some input from the other developpers and from ATI on this decision, which in my mind will only harm to the future quality of both the drivers and the products based on the radeon boards.

Also, my message to all the devs who had or have access to the secure sites is to respect their engagement, and to NOT sent out NDA material, not even to the closest friend.

Thanks :)
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No, not "no more", just tighter security, and the password beening changed frequently, that's all.

There still will be drivers for developers, just probably not as many though.
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NitroGL said:
No, not "no more", just tighter security, and the password beening changed frequently, that's all.

There still will be drivers for developers, just probably not as meny though.

/me slaps TEQ with a trout :p
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