Reformatted my computer to do a clean install of Vista Ultimae 32 bit and the Vista Media Center TV Pack so I could use the "supposedly" dual tuner capability of my Visiontek HD650 PCI. Not! Ran the setup and all I could get was single analog tuner output. Re-ran setup and manually chose digital, but nada again. Even tried to manually add the digital channels, but VMC was having nothing to do with that either. Nothing would display.
Just a heads up for those that that think it might work for them.
Dal1745 did mention that the PCI-e HD650 would do this. I guess I'm going to have to install Windows 7 Ultimate to make it work for the PCI card. Paulgo wrote that it was working for him. I was hoping to wait on Service Pack 1 before I upgraded. Oh well!
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi, i need to find and update my posts, hopefully i have them bookmarked; and i have some new testing to do
So, it's a crazy confusing world out there with these damn cards. I just bought the
Dimond TV Wonder 650 PCI <===
PCI not PCI-E and yes it's very confusing, because according to the box(es) I haven't yet installed them in a systemthough, but
it IS actually a DUAL TUNER...
I know, I know... the "OLD" TV wonder 650 PCI - is only a single tuner hybrid (either NTSC OR ATSC/Clear QAM) but this "NEWER" Diamond PCI is listed as Dual. It does on the very back mention Clear QAM on the Box and mentions dual recording. ...SO i'll have to see what's what to know for sure.
In a round about way i'll bring this back to you and what you referenced about what i said... regarding the TV Wonder 650 PCI -E <==PCI-E. I had no trouble getting it to find and detect BOTH tuners under Vista (In early 2009, I had even updated that system to the best i could run in it: Catalyst 9.3 Display drivers (because it's a legacy graphics card X1950XT) & the corresponding 9.3 TV Wonder drivers. (In that system I had installed the VISTA TV media pack and was able to get Clear QAM and Analog just fine - detected and recording simultaneously.
HOWEVER, Fast forward to beginning of this year 2010 and trying to get my TV Wonder 650 PCI -E to work in Windows 7 (HD3870 Graphics card) - I tried initially the 10.1or 10.2 Catalyst display drivers paired with the TV Wonder 750 (USB drivers) they installed fine and W7 Media Center detected both tuners, BUT i could only get =EITHER= the analog tuner =OR= the digital tuner to work at one time. ((I erroneously thought at the time this was bc the 750 USB is only a hybrid tuner and so it was applying that to my (dual tuner card). When the actual W7 TV Wonder 650 PCI, PCI-E, etc. drivers came out I uninstalled all old ATI Software & then ran Driver Cleaner Pro to remove everthing from the registry and Updated to Catalyst 10.3 display drivers & 10.3 TV Wonder 650 Drivers for W7. BOOO!!! Same thing happened.
I spent a few days posting around at all of the sites and some great person on the green button responded that the same thing had happened to him. He gave no explanation as to why some not all are having the problem (maybe even it's just a few of us), but to fix it he suggested i do as he did and use an OLD version of the TV Wonder 650 Drivers (he was using 9.3 Vista). And since i was coincidentally using it on my Vista system i thought it was worth a try.
It's been a while i'd have to go back and look at my notes i posted (can't remember whether i had to unfold the files to the C:\ATI folder and then use device manger to update & point the updater to the drivers in that folder - That seems right) ANYWAY with the OLD TV Wonder 650 9.3 (vista) drivers everything worked fine then under W7.
So something they have done or changed in the driver for the TV Wonder 650 has happened from the 9.3 version to the 10.1,10.2,10.3 versions. I never felt the need to update my Vista system each month, so i don't know in which version things started to go wrong.
SO the problem was solved by going to the older drivers. IDK if i'd have the same problem in Vista trying to install the new TV Wonder drivers... but that's not somthing I will need to test out anytime soon. Windows 7 & Vista (different systems) recognize and opperate both tuners independently with the 9.3 TV Wonder drivers.
So before you give up hope i'd try installing an older version say TV Wonder 650 9.3 (vista) drivers and see what effect that has on your tuner situation.
Hopefully, i'll get my other test bed ready to try my Diamond TV Wonder 650 PCI - Dual tuner cards out. I'm VERY Curious and apprehensive as to whether they will truly be dual & if so whether they can do Clear QAM.
PLEASE do keep me in your loop (PM and such so if i come back in a week or a few i'll get an update of how it's working out for you and hopefully i'll have some insight into the situation my self.)
I also bought an Asus My Cinema PHC3-150 (Dual tuner PCI <== PCI card ) that i'd excited to try out as well.
The PCI card is not a dual tuner, it's an either/or, AFAIK. The PCIe versions have the capability to expose both at the same time.
Well, that was certainly true of the ORIGINAL TV Wonder 650 PCI, however the Diamond ATI TV Wonder HD 650 Dual Tuner (TVW650PCIV) - (UPC 7 57448 00907 1) says it's a dual tuner. I picked up two at Microcenter on sale, so hopefully they'll work out.