The hardware design allows better utilization of shaders allowing for a larger number of shaders in a GPU and still be usefuul. Nvidia went with speed and less shaders using fast context switching methods (more serial design), AMD went with more shaders and a more Parallel design.
To use AMD hardware better, using Async compute/shaders will be very beneficial. For multigpu cards having more control over graphics and compute operations (compute is being used more and more for special effects, hair rendering, post processing, lighting etc.) can only help having this flexibility making AMD hardware potentially better for multipe gpu operations. With AMD giving out Fury Pro Duo's to developers will also help in seeing more developement with multiple gpu's. Which is the direction is going with GPU's possibly having mutiple GPU's on a HBM module.
With the large base of AMD hardware consoles where the large portion of game development profits come from, the use of using Async Compute I can only assume twill increase and will be carried over to the PC games. AMD has several generations now that supports this and the upcoming great perf/$ 480 cards coming out will have a large base of cards that will benefit from Async Compute/shaders of AMD.
Now I do see Nvidia speeding up their design to support more shaders after Polaris depending upon initial sells which I do believe AMD will dominate if they have the manufacturing capability to keep up with demand on the Mainstream.