Dawn Sleeps With ATI - Radeon R3x0 Dawn OpenGL Wrapper


drunk manslut
I'm excited to release an OpenGL wrapper that allows any ATI DX9 video card owner to run Nvidia's awesome Dawn demo. The wrapper was sent to us anonomously by a group of MIT engineering students. I've tried it on the Radeon 9800 Pro 256MB DDR II board and it runs great! We've taken a bunch of screenshots and did a small writeup.

When I first saw Nvidia’s new GeForce FX Dawn demo I was quite impressed. ATI’s demos done by Alex and the ATI Research crew are of course impressive as well, but the Dawn demo had a certain appeal. Maybe it was the human form, life-like facial expressions, realistic skins tones and texture, or most likely the sexual appeal. So it was disappointing to find out that this magnificent demo would not be able to run on ATI’s DX9 graphic cards. Luckily a group of MIT engineering students were disappointed by the same thing (also rumoured that they were unhappy with Nvidia's image quality and performance) and were up to the task of making it work on ATI hardware (and the brains!). The end result was an opengl wrapper that made the demo run smoothly on ATI hardware. Most impressive!

Download it here
Also as a special treat for our forum users to see a different "view" of the Dawn demo follow these instructions.

"View" mode without wings rename fairy.exe to 3dmark03.exe

"View" mode with wings rename fairy.exe to quake3.exe
One more question before I go ahead & download the rest of the demos like Orge , Dusk, etc...

Does this OGL Wrapper work on the rest of the demos too?
convert said:
One more question before I go ahead & download the rest of the demos like Orge , Dusk, etc...

Does this OGL Wrapper work on the rest of the demos too?

"The dll does not work with other GeForce FX demos"
Lol, there's going to be a sudden increase in download at NV's website. They'll probably take it down since they know they didn't sell that many Dx9 cards. :)
Alpha said:
"The dll does not work with other GeForce FX demos"

Now, thats a real shame.

Hopefully in future, a better OGL wrapper with more capabilities will be released.

Someotherdude said:
Lol, there's going to be a sudden increase in download at NV's website. They'll probably take it down since they know they didn't sell that many Dx9 cards. :)

Shhhh, I'm still downloading it. ;)
I think someone should go tell some kind of religious group that Nvidia are corrupting the youth and then we can watch the hilarity that will ensue.
What gives?!

What gives?!

Everytime I try to download the Opengl wrapper (by clicking on the download link); I'm just directed back to the same page. No download. The link to the demo download is fine.
Re: What gives?!

Re: What gives?!

Uroboros said:
Everytime I try to download the Opengl wrapper (by clicking on the download link); I'm just directed back to the same page. No download. The link to the demo download is fine.
what browser are you using?
Internet Explorer 6.

Let me try and see if Netscape has the same issue.

Unless my Norton Firewall is causing it.

Weird..it was some strange IE 6 issue. Netscape got the file correctly.
omg this is great :) Dawn is now property of ATI , use her and abuse her . THANK YOU MIT , smartass's!!!. nice job MrB/ratchet , the dawn site looks very nice :)
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I always thought that the Dawn demo looked nice but not as good as the already naked ATI furry Monkey in the 3d jungle.

But this is great, I just hope those MIT guys start working on a wrapper for the Vulcan demo, now that demo looks nicer than the Dawn demo.