D3D tutorials for DirectX 8:



These have got to be the best Direct3d tutorials out on the web. Ever!

I went from knowing nothing about directx (even after numerous other tuts) to having a good basic understanding of how it works in around 2 hours.

Uptil them I had always thought that D3D was a messed up collection of arrays, buffers, and passing pointers around. Which when compared to OpenGL's tidy C functions was a pigs breakfast.

In actual fact it's not bad!

I've also just bought a book "The Zen of Direct3D Game Programming" It's prety good reading to,
zen o' D3D

zen o' D3D

the book u bought is good... but go to the website for example updates... also, at least in the version i have... the math section (matrices) has some errors in it. check online for more matrix math info (though dx does a lot of it for u)