Current status of FPS games: idiocy rules?


New member
I just played some renegade, and god, i was hoping for a change. Yet, i was wrong. I played wolf, mohaa, cnc, and i see all the same boring sh*t. Enemies are dumb as hell, and your missions revolve around nothing but killing them. They seem to have no objective in life other than nailing you, and so on. We had games in the past where enemies don't always know where you are, where they have their own life, and so on. Look at Thief, Deus Ex, hitman: they all had good AI, and they were ALL good games. Deus Ex still owns anything put out today. So it seems we're going back to the days of doom, only with pixel and vertex shaders, and some new hardware to kill things with.

Multi is even worse. Seems every ******* out there is hellbent on cheating. I've stopped playing MP anything because of them. CS is so bad you'll be hard pressed to find a clean online game, even if there're only 2 people there. DoD is getting just as bad. Last time i played i saw a machine gunner bunny hopping around sniping people from two miles away (good aim bot, lol). It ruins the fun. In games where people don't cheat as much, they just act dumb. It's like the AI in SP. Look at tribes 2: great concept, i mean c'mon, organized futuristic warfare, only everyone plays like its DM. So when i figured this out, i took a look at my games collection, and all i really like are the three good titles mentionned above. How sad is that? i've got plenty of games over all. I guess AVP2 goes in the good bin too, but barely. Anyhow, does anyone know of any other games where the world is realistic (deus ex, thief, hitman: your actions have meaning, it impacts the world), the enemies/friends/NPCs are smart (have their own lives to live, you're just a bystander to them or something other than just the standard run-&-gun approach to you), and the graphics aren't dysmal (renegade looks like the original C&C rendered in apple's rave3d software mode, on a bad day for the CPU)?
Just a note, in addition to hitman, deus ex, thief, and AVP2 there's also HL... :). Op Flashpoint was good as well. Last but not least is outcast. Considering i have somwhere around 100 games (i used to go to russia, it's like asia, everything's cheap and stolen), this is sad.
Check out Call of Cthulhu

"Q: What can we expect from gameplay?
A: The perspective will be first person, with no HUD to speak of. This is due to increase the tension of not knowing how much ammo or health you have. The main point of the game is on sneaking around and gathering info for your investigation of a missing a person. Avoiding monsters in the game will be a prerequisite if you don't want to get killed. As well as collection clues, learning Latin will be needed for the casting of new spells. However spells will have to be used sparely as using them will increase the characters insanity causing visual distortions and hallucinations. Phobias like claustrophobia and vertigo will also be included in the gameplay. Other then that the game promises to be very interesting and innovative."
How about "The Thing"?

There are many games that seem to be very good..
"The Thing" one I'm looking forward to..

I'm probably going to get it for the PS2 so i'm not tempted to cheat..
But then PC has such beautiful graphics..

Then again, Silent Hill 2 was pretty damn good for the ps2 as well..
I mean, geez.. make me shiver @ night thinking about the Hangers..

You should get a console.. there are plenty of good games for them..
But then again, you've been spoiled by the gfx of a PC haven't you? =)

But ontopic:

I do agree with what you say.. a lot of the games have become stupid
and idiotic.. Max Payne goes into the "Beautiful, but no" bin for
me.. SS2 is a keeper for sure.. I liked "The Longest Journey"..

I wish there were more games like Day of the Tentacle, Teen Agent,
etc., etc..
you need to get Operation Flashpoint. It's the only FPS I play anymore (besides DoD and CS when I want mindless action)... though I hate calling it a FPS, it's more like a military sim. If you haven't played it yet, you're missing out on one of the best games in history.
I have Op.Flash.. but i don't enjoy it too much..

Maybe I should reinstall it and try again.. hmm..
My personally fav PC game of all has to be Theif2. It just rocks. I remember playing it late at night with a pair of good headphones with A3D 2.0 @ 1024x768 and theres nothing sweeter than boping an unsupecting gaurd from the shadows and trying to pull off missions on hard mode :). I still play it now and then but I no longer have a Vortex2 sound card in my main computer so I have to use either A3D 1.0,EAX(*shivers at thought of using EAX 1.0*) or play on my slower second computer that has my Vortex2 card....but has a crappy 13" monitor and a S4 :(

Can't wait for Theif3 it's going to rock and is imho the best gaming coming soon :)
Re: Current status of FPS games: idiocy rules?

I just played some renegade, and god, i was hoping for a change. Yet, i was wrong. I played wolf, mohaa, cnc, and i see all the same boring sh*t. Enemies are dumb as hell, and your missions revolve around nothing but killing them. They seem to have no objective in life other than nailing you, and so on. We had games in the past where enemies don't always know where you are, where they have their own life, and so on. Look at Thief, Deus Ex, hitman: they all had good AI, and they were ALL good games. Deus Ex still owns anything put out today. So it seems we're going back to the days of doom, only with pixel and vertex shaders, and some new hardware to kill things with.

Yeah, this my biggest problem with Quake III, et al...Carmack is a great game coder, but I just abhor his gameplay ideals so far as he has demonstrated up until now. I abhorred them all the way back to Doom...Quake only wowed me because of all the incredible coding options he put into it.

Keep an eye out for Morrowind...Daggerfall had absolutely phenomenal "real world" gameplay (the flaw in Daggerfall, if any, is that there was TOO much reality to the game world).

Multi is even worse. Seems every ******* out there is hellbent on cheating. I've stopped playing MP anything because of them. CS is so bad you'll be hard pressed to find a clean online game, even if there're only 2 people there.

Nah, it is fairly easy to find a relatively clean game, even with my slow updates on 56k. Just look for C-D or CD in the title...and/or find a server with admins who are on.

DoD is getting just as bad. Last time i played i saw a machine gunner bunny hopping around sniping people from two miles away (good aim bot, lol). It ruins the fun. In games where people don't cheat as much, they just act dumb.

I have a much harder time arguing against this. ;) My gameplay style, I persist in doing things like assuming someone is guarding my back, and that the people with me will risk their neck a little to save my behind, as I do for them...instead of leaving me to die and trying to come in after to increase their kill count and minimize their death count. It is a habit I just can't seem to break. But, anyways, there are servers with good players (not just good in the "twitch" kill and kill count sense) that I've found...keep looking, there is hope. ;)

It's like the AI in SP. Look at tribes 2: great concept, i mean c'mon, organized futuristic warfare, only everyone plays like its DM.

Really? I was planning on getting T2 because I remember when I played T1, this wasn't the case on many servers. This has changed?

So when i figured this out, i took a look at my games collection, and all i really like are the three good titles mentionned above. How sad is that? i've got plenty of games over all. I guess AVP2 goes in the good bin too, but barely. Anyhow, does anyone know of any other games where the world is realistic (deus ex, thief, hitman: your actions have meaning, it impacts the world), the enemies/friends/NPCs are smart (have their own lives to live, you're just a bystander to them or something other than just the standard run-&-gun approach to you), and the graphics aren't dysmal (renegade looks like the original C&C rendered in apple's rave3d software mode, on a bad day for the CPU)?

Well, I've mentioned Daggerfall...let's see...Hmm...all that comes to mind are games that are coming soon, supposedly. SoF 2 might improve on SoF 1 enough to qualify, and I think there is a sequel to Outcast (it may even have been released already...I'm not sure). Oh, of course, Ultima IX, if you can stand the bugs (with the latest patch they are fairly tolerable) and have a system that can handle the latest demanding games (to compensate for U 9's less than optimal programming). Also, I've heard people commend Jagged Alliance 1 and 2 for gameplay like this I think.

EDIT: removed that glaring bold from my text. ;)
Deus Ex still owns anything put out today

Deus Ex still owns anything put out today

Amen to that:D

Having read this story> several years before the game came out gave it, Deus Ex, added depth.

I think Warren & Harvey are going to have another winner with Deus Ex II..
The problem here however is that most of the games mentionned aren't out. I mean, i'm really looking forward to Hitman 2, as well as JKII... Op Flashpoint is ok, but i have some issues with playing as different characters. It's my own personal quirk (yeah, i'm nuts, go figure eh?): i prefer to play as one person and see a bit of character development. I know why they did it, i understand the reasoning, just bugs me :). Flashpoint rules though, still a step behind Deus Ex.

Oh, another thing: look at the games coming out today, and the graphics cards. A VERY robust graphics card (mainly a ti200) costs little, but games still look like halflife (renegade makes me want to vomit, something about it looking so 8 bit creeps me out). *sigh* damn. i want my entertainment to be good, and i want it now. Any other ideas? (thanks for the given btw)

/me goes back to replaying Deus Ex for the 5th time to see what /me can do differently.
Try Anachronox

Try Anachronox

for something different, more of a RPG but entertaining and very underrated...
Well, tribes and t2...hmm

Tribes has gotten to the point that either you play with the dumbasses on the noob servers (like d-link) or you play on heaven, hell, the 5150's, and some other good servers with the pros who've been playing since the game hit the shelves. The only problem is that you have to know the unspoken rules, like playing all of SH (stonehenge) in spawn, never ramming the capper with the scout, (causes a flag skip bug) and you have to know your position, whether it be ho, cap, chase, escort, ld, hd, repair, etc.

T2 is heavily infested with noobs, and many of the best players don't play base that much. Base++, a community mod that makes the game faster (the way WE think it should be, not sierra) and more enjoyable has most of the ppl. When you go for several years skiing at about 450kph from base to base, it's really tough to get used to going 35kph across 1500k of terrain. (taking 5 minutes to walk, only to fight for 30sec got really old really fast, which is why we had the mod made) Also, along with the mod, they altered the maps to be much more playable. Even with all of that, the general slowness and crappyness of the first version torque really drains a player. Tribes is considered fun by all, and more fun by most in the community.