Crimson and missing Overscan/HDMI scaling on interlaced screen


New member
I have a perfectly fine 32" Panasonic Viera TV that could display 720p and 1080i through HDMI, about a year back (on Catalyst driver) I tried it and it runs fine after proper scaling through overscan slider but because of I don't have desk space I put it aside.

Today when I plugged in back the monitor, with latest beta-Crimson driver for Doom the overscan slider (along with semi-Calayst menu) is gone, and the HDMI scaling only appear if I plugged it to my other TV that could run 1080p.

Why on Earth AMD removed it on interlaced TV while it working just fine previously on Catalyst driver? I would use older driver if I'm not playing latest games, but I do :mad:

There is ongoing discussion regarding this on AMD community forum (read near bottom of the page on ray_m post). I refused to go nvidia because of this, but if anyone here can't provide any solution it looks like I might need either go green or buy better screen.
Well solution and limitations was in that thread:

Since Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.5.1, the HDMI Scaling slider has been moved to Radeon Settings under the Display tab.

If you do not have the HDMI Scaling Slider, it could be due to the following:
You are currently running at a 4K resolution. HDMI Scaling is not supported at this resolution.
You are currently running in an Interlaced display mode (eg. 1080i). HDMI Scaling only supports Progressive display modes (eg. 1080p).
NOTE: If you need to run your display in Interlaced mode, we suggest reverting to Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.3.2.
You are currently using the Windows 10 scaling feature. This feature is enabled by default in Windows 10 which allows the OS to handle display scaling.

If you would like to control scaling using Radeon Settings, please do the following:
Right click on a blank area of your desktop and select "Display Properties"
Select "Advanced Display Settings"
Select "Display Adapter Properties"
Click on "List all Modes"
Select the preferred display mode. (If it is already set to your preferred display mode, simply select a different mode and click OK. Then reselect your preferred mode. NOTE: 4K resolutions are not supported)

When you do this, the Operating System hands over control of scaling to the graphics driver. In Radeon Settings, the HDMI scaling slider should now be available.

Since you have a 1080i Tv looks like scaling is not supported. I recommend a new TV or a used Nvidia card if you want to save some cash. A 750Ti on Ebay you should be able to get for under $100.
Duh I already post it (the ray_m post) It's just I'm disappointed with AMD removing this when it perfectly working before. There is no point buying new TV since I don't need it and no point going nvidia since 290X is one powerful card.

I want reasons, if any AMD representatives in this forum I want answers. Why remove this feature?