creation of Ir blaster plug-in


New member
Is there anyone who is willing to create an ir blaster plugin for the IR Blaster (Actisys IR-200L).Is there anyone else who could create an upgrade for the Guide+ that would detect digital cable or satellite channels.Thanks.

I don't know about creating a creative plugin. I have seen many people request plug-ins here and they never take off. Guideplus cannot be modified to support digital cable channels for several reasons. Firstly, it gets the channel list from the registry after ATI's software scans the channels. So you would have to modify both the ATI software and Guideplus. Second, you can change the connector to s-video or composite and use the appropriate connector to connect to your cable box and hjave it process the digital signal. Third, your graphics cards capture despite what you may believe is analog. It cannot process a digital cable signal. If it could ATI would have done this.
I'm interested too.

I'm interested too.

First off, how much did that blaster cost, have you got it to work for anything good in any way so far?

I have satellite too and hate the problem of time shifting. I'm willing to make a custom tv guide list. I already have a php page working that first grabs the xml tv listings and then puts them into a database for faster retrieval and ability to store information like guide plus. I just need a module to start doing the time shifting.

btw - do you think this will be addressed in future aiw's?

I'm telling you it's not possible. The card can only support analog inputs and cannot process digital tv signals. You need to hook your cable box up to it and press the next connector button on the tv program to switch to either s-video or composite, depending on what is used to connect to the cable box. The cable box has to decode the digital signal. Otherwise, it would be possible for people to pay for basic cable, hook up an aiw card and have access to the digital content channels. Ask ATI about it. They told me this.