Hi, I wanted to ask somethings about the new catalyst drivers. First of all In unreal tourny the test is all dark black now, while game play seems fine at about 75fps with some eye candy on, what causes the black text? My next question is for hydravision. What is it and what does it do? Last but not least I think the new drivers are great and they are a step in the right direction, I am not trying to complain about the work, just want some answers to these quesions.
I use the radeon 8500 retail, with the rage3d v3.3 tweaker. AthlonXp 1600+ and so on. Let me know what you all think, os is winxp. THanks
I use the radeon 8500 retail, with the rage3d v3.3 tweaker. AthlonXp 1600+ and so on. Let me know what you all think, os is winxp. THanks