Counter Strike recomendations for FPS.


New member

I figured I'd post this to help anyone out runing XP and CS and is suffering from LOW FPS.

I first bought my second PC a month ago, and loaded my video card in. I did NOT have the XP drivers yet because I did NOT download them.

I installed the drivers for 2000 off the install CD that came with the card. I then ran a lan game with 8 bots and was pegged at 72 fps. I then raised the fps in the config to 100 and again loaded a game. Again pegged at 100 fps.

My old machine I was lucky to get 30 fps(K6/2 450).

I downloaded the XP drivers off the ATI site and my fps went from 70 online (NOT A LAN) to 30. The XP drivers killed it.

I then reloaded the 2000 drivers again and it went back to 70 while online and 100 while offline...

i still have lock up issues as evryone else seems to have with screen changes such as exiting games or servers. But I just reboot and load again. Till Siera fixes this. I have to deal with it too..

So For anyone having fps issues with XP and an ATI card, give it a shot. What do you have to loose.... Hope it helps..Good luck..


HP 520/N
1.3 Celeron
512 Megs Ram
32 SDR Radeon
60 gig HD
Try typing "ati_npatch 0" in the console (without quotes). It's something the overflow patch added that kills framerate.


and turn off page-flipping, it got rid of the game crashing between server changes.
ati_subdiv 0

This will help.

All new drivers enable Truform. This will reduce Truform to 0. You can see when you bumo the 0 up one at a time to 3. You'll see the diff visualy and see the FPS hit the dirt.

I had the same prob with my Radeon 32DDR.
What about this: when i start the game, and it's loading, there is a black screen, where it writes something like:
Connect to the fastes...

And when i came in the game, that black screen won't dissapear. I have to push Esc to get in the menu, and then resume to get back in the game, and then the black screen dissapears, so i can play. I have Hercules 3d Prophet 8500 and 6052 drivers. My HL is and CS 1.3


That same thing happens to ME. I am on an ATI card and running "WINDOWS XP". Its the operating system. I have all the same you have except the card. So it can't be the card!

Sierra has got to get a hold of this issue and relase a windows XP patch or update. Obviously some are NOT facing these issues, but alot of others are! THE SAME ISSUES. So it can NOT be a fluke. I think those who are not facing them are LUCKY!

I contacted Hewlett Packard and the tech there stated to force compadability, but even then it still might NOT run! And she was right. It runs but I still have the page overlaping! I even turned off pageflipping on the video card too..

The tech stated the game has to release a patch or update to better help it work with XP..

So for now we have to accpet the ESC. Button as our best friend. And oh yeah do NOT hit escape to fast then enter back in or it will lock up totaly and the screen will turn BLACK.We need to get a LONG list of names to write to sierra and plead for some help here....


SIERRA HELP US!!!!!! We're dying over here....
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Re: page-flipping

Re: page-flipping

camrymans said:
and turn off page-flipping, it got rid of the game crashing between server changes.

I have this problem and its very annoying me!

Where do I turn this off ?