Counter Strike Help

Red Dragon Tong

New member
everytime i leave a server.

It gos back to the server list screen like its suppose to only problem is.

That the server list screen is scrambled.

Does anyone else have this problem and know how to fix it?

If i try to ctrl alt delete half life my computer hard locks.
This is probably going to get moved to the PC Gaming forum, but I'd give the same response no matter where I saw it.

If what you describe is what I think it is, I think the issue is driver related. With some drivers for my AIW Radeon (I don't recall which ones off-hand), I wouldn't have any problems with counter strike and its menus. But other drivers give me stuff like you describe.

You might try switching to D3D temoprarily and see if the problem still happens with that. Other than that, there's not much that I can think of. If you want a way to quit the game without going to the server list, enable the console and then from within a game, bring down the console and type quit or exit or whatever it is (I actually think both work, but I don't remember for certain).

- Me
Here's a tip, shoot them in the face :D. Or you could do like me and stop playing since everyone and their mother is a cheater/n00b/whiner/punk *****.