Could some1 help with a ques. setting up my website?


New member
I made a little generic website,you know the kind your provider gives
with 10 meg.It took a couple days but I figured out how to link to
downloads and a second page but I still can't link to an .exe correctly.See,I have some avi's up but you need this logitech patch.
The avi's I can link to but to provide the exe I had to end up
just linking to Logitech's page that has it on it.Why do I get
errors trying to post it on my site and link to it?
logitech probably has an anti-leach thing set up. Copy/paste the code you are trying to use so we can see if that part is ok.
I would suggest you zip up the avi's and then link to them . . .

What error are you getting?

Can't you link to the page with the downloads intead of stealing there bandwith?
First I don't understand(copy and paste the code),do you mean the
file itself?I got a Clicksmart 510 and the codec you download from
logitech,that's the file I'm talking about.Btw,this is one hell of
a fun toy,ya it's a toy but a pretty cool one.I got mine on line for
$123 postage paid from I don't understand Sniper's second question at all?I am linking to the page at logitech with
this download.If I'm stealing their bandwidth I apologize.I'm not
having a problem linking to the avi's but if you're suggesting I
zip them first to save space I suppose I could.I doubt they would
compress much though.Maybe I'll try zipping the exe and see if it
will link that way.
Re: Could some1 help with a ques. setting up my website?

gtrz said:
Why do I get
errors trying to post it on my site and link to it?
Yeah, actually, you shouldn't get that error. It should just start the file download dialog so that people can download that plugin or patch or whatever it is. Here's something to try. Instead of making the url "http://...." try making it "ftp://....". Also, posting the url of your site might help. I'm sure we'd all be able to take a better crack at it after seeing it.

TO MODS: Move to Programming and Webmastering Forum?

You're welcome!

You're welcome!

Just checked it . . . working out well. Lemme know if there are any other questions you need answers to. I'll try my best.
