Corrupted vertical mouse cursors once in a while...


New member

Ever since I got my MSI R4870-T2D512 OC Radeon HD 4870 512 MB video card (starting with Catalyst driver v8.12 and using v9.2 today [haven't tried v9.3 yet]) and other major computer hardware upgrades in the end of December 2008, I noticed once in a while and rarely randomly, my mouse cursor gets corrupted. Instead of an arrow, it looks like a vertical patterned (e.g., eight left right black triangles in a vertical thick line). Moving the cursor to parts of my screen to change icon does show other weird vertical patterned and sometimes animated bars (e.g., placed over a resizing window area). I tried going back to the default Windows XP Pro. SP3's cursors through its control panel's mouse options, but the cursors vanished so I had to use my keyboard to change them to something else to get something.

Most of the times, this problem goes away by itself by doing stuff in Windows or from rebooting but not today (first time). I think the corrupted mouse cursor came up overnight as I was asleep, then I have not seen the corrupted cursors go away since then (seven hours). I might have to reboot to fix it.

I tried to take screen captures of it, including the corrupted mouse cursors, with IrfanView but the cursors come up fine! Now, that is weird. I also tried using DVI and VGA connections, and made no differences. I don't have a digital camera (will borrow one if needed later on) to screen capture and upload.

Does anyone have any ideas on why this is happening? My detailed computer specifications can be found here: (primary/Windows machine). Thank you in advance. :)
That's not the special scroll option when you click the wheel button?
Nope. I don't even use that feature.

And finally my cursors came back without rebooting. All I did was set to dual view to watch my recorded TV shows fullscreen on my 1993 20" CRT TV, used the computer a little, and then poof. I have seen this happen in single video mode too.
OK, it seems to only happen if I have dual clone mode going (19" LCD monitor + 13 years old 20" CRT TV). If I have corruptions and go back to single mode, then the corruption stays. I have to get rid of it during dual clone setup.
OK, it seems to only happen if I have dual clone mode going (19" LCD monitor + 13 years old 20" CRT TV). If I have corruptions and go back to single mode, then the corruption stays. I have to get rid of it during dual clone setup.
A couple days ago, I saw the corrupted mouse cursor in SINGLE display VGA mode. Wow. That's a first time that I can remember. I even double checked to see if I was in dual display mode. I am using the latest Calayst driver (v9.6).
A couple days ago, I saw the corrupted mouse cursor in SINGLE display VGA mode. Wow. That's a first time that I can remember. I even double checked to see if I was in dual display mode. I am using the latest Calayst driver (v9.6).
Again from yesterday in single display setup with v9.7 driver. It is just more rare than the dual screen setup. I wonder if ATI will ever fix this! :(
well i dont think it's easy to reproduce or trigger

i think i had ONE game have a broken cursor ONCE a few weeks ago

games & local movie files have no artifacts? the windows cursor is on a separate 'layer' on top of windows/taskbar/etc, so it could be something with the vram or an obscure hardware issue (or just really strange software issue, but it appeared after booting so...)
well i dont think it's easy to reproduce or trigger

i think i had ONE game have a broken cursor ONCE a few weeks ago

games & local movie files have no artifacts? the windows cursor is on a separate 'layer' on top of windows/taskbar/etc, so it could be something with the vram or an obscure hardware issue (or just really strange software issue, but it appeared after booting so...)
I have never seen it happen when gaming (probably because it doesn't use the same mouse cursors). It can happen when I am just surfing the Web, watching videos, etc.
well certain games use hardware cursors (the way windows uses them)

demigod for sure, guildwars i think also, but burnout paradise & fuel, or any game where the cursor lags when there's vsync, does not use the cursor method that windows uses

whenever it happens, i'd open up games, play with alt tab, see if the cursor fixes (or if one in the game changes)
games & local movie files have no artifacts? the windows cursor is on a separate 'layer' on top of windows/taskbar/etc, so it could be something with the vram or an obscure hardware issue (or just really strange software issue, but it appeared after booting so...)
Wow, I just got another one again while watching a M4V video file. It only lasted less than a minute. :)
how did it fix? during the same movie being played? or when the player was closed? movies get played on another layer called the 'overlay' (usually, different OSs might handle it different), in addition to the cursor's layer, & the rest of windows

you can add crysis (warhead at least) & resident evil 5 benchmark to the list of things that use a cursor the same way windows does
how did it fix? during the same movie being played? or when the player was closed? movies get played on another layer called the 'overlay' (usually, different OSs might handle it different), in addition to the cursor's layer, & the rest of windows

you can add crysis (warhead at least) & resident evil 5 benchmark to the list of things that use a cursor the same way windows does
Nothing really. Just keep watching the video and moved the mouse cursor a little. There's no pattern to make the issue appear and disappear. :(
Same hardwares, but in 64-bit W7 HPE SP1 OS...

Same hardwares, but in 64-bit W7 HPE SP1 OS...

Ha. I still see this issue in my 2+ months old, updated 64-bit W7 HPE SP1 OS with the same video card and many hardwares (not HDD since it died with its Windows XP Pro SP3). So, it's not the software like the OS. Also, I was watching video files in 64-bit MPC-HC.
So you've been seeing this issue for the past 7-8 years since this thread you resurrected from the dead? :confused: