Control the master volume with the remote regardless of which app is open


New member
How do I get the Remote Wonder to control the Windows master volume? I had read that the VOL -/+ button is susposed to control it, but it doesn't seem to work. All I've been able to do so far is control WinAMP's volume with it.

I use Windows Media Player / WinAMP only, and basically I just want to be able to control the master volume with the remote, regardless of which app is open (and/or in focus).

it depends on what version of the winamp plugin you're using... my version gives you the option to control the system volume. ati's will only control the winamp volume.


A while ago MS released a heap of flexible apis that are great for helping with things like this, first its best if you know c/c++ or if u can bothered its possible to do in VB, (but thats a prick) you can set it up by hacking some keyboard drivers (the drivers ust be for a kb that has voluime control on it such as an iMac kb) hack these drivers just for so that the extra little features run, not the core of the driver, you will be surprised how many compaies will give you the code for their drivers, and then you can set it so when any volume is changed up or down it sets off the hacked drivers to change master driver volume, shouldnt be too hard to hard to do i have done something similar with a home made remote set up, i dot have an RW but thought i this ideas could help
volume and mute buttons SHOULD normally act on master volume of windows.... or you've got a problem with you're installation.
with drivers 1.2, yo ucan controll master volume of windows, without any plugin.
fixed it

fixed it

After much time wasted uninstall/re-installing, disabling startup items, e-mailing ATI tech support, etc., I finally figured out why the remote wasn't behaving as it should. The software just doesn't work fully under Windows 98! Some functions did work, but others didn't. I installed the Win ME upgrade and everything worked well afterwards. I did mention in my e-mails to ATI tech support that was running 98, and have to wonder why they didn't suspect that was the problem... but alas, the remote works the way I want it to now so all is well.
Actually the remote does work under Windows 98 - we did test it there.

I suspect however I understand the root of the problem, and likely it is something that development neglected to mention to CS (mea culpa).....

Control volume et al... uses an extended set of Windows commands (WMAPP_xxxx) commands that were introduced to support / standardize extended keyboards (the ones with multimedia keys).

This happened AFTER Windows 98 was released and so support for these extended keys is NOT native in the OS. To get this kind of support you would need to install a MM keyboard (whcih would add the support).

Sorry you went through so much effort. Hope that knowing the root cause helps a little.

I'm used to figuring out these little issues... it's what I do for a living. I got myself a nice deal on the card, and a few setup woes on such an old OS were no big deal. (I do have a MM keyboard installed BTW, but it's a Logitech iTouch so perhaps the WMAPP wasn't updated if it's native to Microsoft).

A little off topic, but the Spider Solitaire issue with XP / ATI drivers has gotten us a few laughs in the back of the store. We had a customer call and come back for a driver update because (he had refered to it several times during the course of conversation) "Spider-Monkey Solitaire" crashed everytime he won. So whenever a system ends up back in the shop that needs a driver update, it's another case of "the Spider-Monkey Solitaire bug") ;)

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