Compatibility with Remote wonder.


New member
Hi all,

First of all, Happy new year for you....

My question is :
Is it possible to use the Hercules Remote Wonder with my ATI card?

My card is the following :
- ATI All in Wonder 7200.

I don't find the ATI Remote Wonder in muy town (Rennes in France). I've just found the Hercules's Remote Wonder. But this solution doesn't list my graphic card on the box.there is just the hercules Graphic card indicated.

Please help me.

Thanks by advance.
ATI Remote Wonder is compatible with ALL graphic cards, then with your card....

Hercules is just a resseller of ATI Remote : Hercules Remote is the same as ATI Remote Wonder (if you open the box, you will find ATI logo on the remote !!!). No differences.

(vas faire un tour sur mon site, rubrique "Product description" puis "Where to find" pour trouver quelques magasins online en france qui vendent cette télécommande)
Many Thanks for your help.

I will purchase the Hercules solution from Surcouf online web site.

Remark : Your site is very interresting. Congratulations!

Best regards.