compaq + oveclocking = impossible? =P


New member
My current computer is a compaq presario 5716..

It's a PIII 450..

The only thing that's left of the original is the compaq motherboard, cpu and the case..I'm going to buy a Duron 800 soon (and a a7v or a kt7).. anyway.. is there any way to overclock a compaq? =) (no option the the compaq infested bios) :P

Håvard Lindset
I'm allready working on it.. I have a few webdesign projects I'm working on right it should be duron time for me soon.. looking forward to heavy overclocking :D

anyway.. I really want to push the few MHz left in this compaq virus.. if that isn't possible..does anyone know how to remove the HUGE compaq logo that my bios shows when the pc boots? is there a tutorial how to replace it somewhere? I've seen one where they change the small award bios image.. so it should be possible in some way.. :)

Håvard Lindset

[This message has been edited by Urinfingah (edited 01-08-2001).]