Command & Conquer Renegade


New member
I have the ATI AIW Radeon card... i am using winxp with the 6.13.6025 drivers... when i play the game certain things flash & dissapear on the screen (IE the gun you are holding, the skins of the veichels & doors)... why is this... is this have to do with opengl ****?
Try this:
In game press F8 and type NPATCHES_GAP_FILLING_MODE 2 and press enter.

Tell me if it works! :D
Good luck!
if anyone gets this working with older driver please let me know!!! i really want to play this & playing it with no skins on objects is really annoying & spoils the game!
I had the same problem as you. Went with the 6032 drivers and most the problems were cleared up. The only thing that dissapears now are some of the aircraft. Now the game is tolerable. Hope this helps:)
i have the All IN Wonder radeon so the 6032 will not give me the tv support for it.. therefor i need to stick with the drivers for AIW...
latest leaked

latest leaked

het the latest leaked driver..6037 works great for me in xp. it 98% eliminate the problem. So it make work for the latest leak under winme.
do the 6037 have WDM drivers (for tv tuner/AIW support) because i have the AIW Radeon & someone in another fourm said the Sapphire release of the drivers dont have WDM drivers
I managed to fix my C&C Renegade by using Radeonator and telling it to use the "Plane Mask Workaround" in the advanced DirectX options. At least, I think that's what fixed it. Anyway, after I turned that on, the flickering/disappearing textures and polys stopped happening, and it's had no problems since.

(By the way, that's with the 6032s.)
Command & Conquer Renegade

I used the Win XP "omega" drivers as I found the 6037 drivers had noticably poorer image quality than the 6032 drivers. The Omega drivers work beautifully, no flicker, no pixel pops. For AIW users who are worried about WDM drivers just install the "display driver only" through the device manager and your original WDM drivers should remain intact.
IM using the 43's and everythign seems to be working just fine and dany now.

everything seems to be top notch again with these drivers!