CATALYST Driver Feedback

If you have not yet reported an issue, even one you have reported before, now is the time to do so. Get all the problems, niggles, doesn't-work-quite-how-I-like-it in to the form. Doesn't matter if you've seen someone else report it - do it if it affects you.
Hello everyone,

AMD needs your help --

As we continue to improve our Catalyst Driver suite, we kindly ask you to help us by submitting any issues or bugs you have experienced with our drivers by using the form below. We value your feedback and intend to use the information you provide us to make our Catalyst Drivers better.

Note that this form, which closes on September 12, is different from the standard Issue Reporting Form we regularly use; therefore I ask that you use this form even if you already submitted to another form in the past. For the next 7 days we are making a concerted effort to increase the number of reports we receive to create a “bible” of bugs encountered by our customers.

Please click here to access the form.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!
Community Manager, Enthusiast and Component Channel Communications
Official AMD Representative

No idea why we don't get this info on the front page... it should be.
For those of you, using pixel-clock-patcher to get around the 330MHz pixel clock rate limit on Dual-DVI, please do submit a driver feedback about it. It was one of the five issues I have posted about there. Hopefully I am not the only one complaining about the clock limit in this particular feedback round. Thanks.
would be nice if AMD start use some useful Feedback Tracker, Bug Tracking System

where we can actually see what's reported, state (ack,wip, etc)

it's 21st century you know ...
my last experience with bug reporting was three years back. I think the bug was fixed by pure coincidence a couple months ago. Done with AMD forms.
I was contacted today by AMD representative because of the driver crash / BSOD related feedback in this round. They want the specific crash-dumps.

Ironically after months of reporting these issues (few go back more than an year) the first ever response that I have received, came when I am moving on to GTX 970 (bit of a downgrade from my 7950 crossfire, but significantly less heat and ability to set DVI pixel-clock rate to hit 100+ Hz are big factors). I'll try to collect as much of the crash-info as I can before making the switch.
Ill believe them when they release some hotly anticipated drivers to customers first before they release them to the press. I am still burned about that. Show up late with drivers? Have them done? great, give them to the press first :nuts: . yup really customer focused.
pretty impressive how they went from 12 to 2 whql's a year in the blink of an eye.
Drivers? Don't even know what the f***k the word means anymore.