Cards that support custom refresh rates ?


New member
Other than matrox. Are there video cards that support custom refresh rates, everyone else may be happy being stuck at 85hz, but i'm not I didn't buy a monitor that can go well beyond 85hz for a waste. I use win2K, I would buy a Radeon but they don't care about their customers enough to implement such a feature. So for now I am stuck with matrox G400 till I can find another card that has drivers that have all the same features as the matrox. I noticed powerstrip can't even do custom refresh rates with the Radeon, so that's out as well.
It's better to set your refresh rate high enough to eliminate flicker. Setting it higher is only going to degrade video card performance and possibly shorten the life of you monitor. 85hz is plenty high enough for most people.
nomad 128 said:
It's better to set your refresh rate high enough to eliminate flicker. Setting it higher is only going to degrade video card performance and possibly shorten the life of you monitor. 85hz is plenty high enough for most people.

The refresh rate is generally limited by your monitor.

I am running a 21" Sony CPD-G500, 1600x1200 @ 85Hz.

That is probably the best setting for general use.