Call of Duty 2022/Modern Warfare 2 2

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I wish they would just use the fucking launcher/steam to push these small updates, it is so fucking annoying.
Enjoying this game a lot. Even with all the aim bot nonsense am punching kids in the sack. Also paid 100 euros for it because I was so desperate for a shooter.
Combat Record is finally here. Too bad all your stats don't get applied to the challenges though.

Battlepass screen looks like it was designed by a 5 year old. At least I can recover my cod points with fewer than 70 tokens
War zone 2.0 is fine, same game different map I guess. Played a little, DMZ interesting, not worked out wtf I’m meant to do but looks like bots and pvp ?
Haven't played DMZ yet. Warzone 2 is okay. Map seems more complex with more buildings and interiors, which I guess reduces sniper effectiveness a touch. It also has AI enemies in places.
Shipment is pretty garbo, as usual, but great for progressing through guns. Also the drill charge changes up some of the camping spots...although they added a few more. Hate how your teammates can trap you in a container.

Oh and you can save weapon setups now which is good.
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You can sort of tell by how the people in your lobby is behaving, at least if when it comes to the normal maps.
I took a break from this to focus on Elden Ring. I had already finished the battle pass and hit max rank, so it was good just to be able to switch to something else without worrying about progression.

Aside from 6v6, I had been playing a ton of DMZ, which for me feels a lot better pace vs. battle royale. You mainly kill bots but occasionally you'll run into other players. Exfils in particular can be tense. More objectives, more focused, exfil bonuses and persistence over rounds.
Skipping S2 myself. Skins look crap, only one new map coming mid season. Only 55 days to complete means I have to play too much to finish it. Game is an embarrassment when it comes to 6v6 and I hope player numbers reflect that.

I might wait till S3 or S4 and I'll have a bunch of new maps to play.
It feels like they don't value their $70-80 customers that much.

I'm also not a fan of how you still can't unlock the m13b as a multiplayer/6v6 only player, as some attachments for the AUG LMG requires you to level up the m13.
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So, picked it up as had some spare cash... On a prison mission where all the lights are glowing through hills, buildings, etc. any fix for that apart from reverify (done), redo shaders (done), change all settings to default and low and all other combinations (done) ?

Edit: Ok looks like I needed to reset the shaders from main menu, restart, reboot and start again and seems I can now see in dark areas that have light no more glare when you look their way.
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