Umm...I'd wait until the netcode improves, based on what I'm seeing in the demo. It will probably be pretty fun then (if you don't mind the extremely low poly environment), but I can't be sure yet.
I know I have a 56k and all, but when I see 160 ping to the server (about the best possible to me) and I spend the first 2 minutes or so (not an exaggeration, atleast in the Nod base) trying to get out of the base due to teleporting and lag freezing, and when vehicles are randomnly knocked (as opposed to teleported, but just as annoying) across 1/4 of the map, with massive clipping errors resulting to boot...I'd say the game needs a bit of work.
Perhaps the final retail will be much better, but that would make the demo a disaster as it has pretty firmly steered me away from the game.