Best or easiest language for


New member
I have not programmed since the 16 bit days and it was non windows.

I want to write a program that runs in full screen mode and can display fonts with a press of the keyboard. Something like a eye chart in which I can change the size of the fonts via various keys. Also I want to be able to calibrate the fonts, ie. the 20/20 line must be a certain size depending on monitor size and distance person is from the monitor.

Which programming language would get me there the fastest? Vbasic 6, Python ?

I'm willing to learn a new language.

Java owns. My school switched from C++ to Java for it's CS degree program a few years ago. Java skills are very valuable in the corporate world. Get Java progs to run as fast as native languages like C++ and Java will be the one and only. Until then we always got C# :D But yeah, Java all the way. By learning Java you will learn OOP, which is invaluable IMHO. Gaming aside, I can see most apps in the future being written in Java.

As to java being "the one and only"..... you're dreaming, lanugaes are just tools, some tools are better suited for diffrent jobs... Anyone that wants to be a software engineer\developer should learn as many as they can that are in use, this way you can choose the right tool for the right job...

As to the question..... VB6 is dying and never was a very good language( look at the bit size of an integer compaired to any other language for example), easy yes, however robust it deff was not, however it would be simple to write the type of program you want in it. python is relativly simple as well and you would gain the benifit of learning a nice scripting language that is still in use. Java is another good option as well and has it's bennifits ie learning oop, a largely used language, etc.. however ease is probably not one of them compaired to the 2 you chose.... in all honesty you could use html and perl or php this would give the added bennifit of just needing a webserver with one of the interpraters on it, then just a browser to run it.....

Basically just pick something of relative ease that you want to learn and code it in it
I use C# as my main programming language. Java is very similar so once you learn one, it is an easy step to learn the other.
Forgive me if this a dumb question, but C Sharp and "Objective C" are the same thing right? I heard the term "Objective C" like 10 years ago and am assuming the guy talking about it was talking about C#. Never mentioned anything about it being M$ though, maybe back then it wasn't...

rihosims said:
Could'nt be. C# is a fairly new language.

Ahh okay I did some searching and found my answer. Heh some quotes I picked up:

"Objective-C used to be a great language - about 10 years ago."

That was about when I heard about it...

"Most importantly, Objective-C is still a proprietary language, belonging to Steve Jobs & Co. No open standard, no defined evolution path."

Which also makes sense considering the guy who pimped this language up was a Mac freak. I also didn't know C# compiled to bytecode. Then again I've never once written anything in it either...

One more question, which laguages can compile to a exe file without need of a runtime or extra garbage in the windows system folders. I want to app to run within its own directory. Ie so it can be copied from one drive to another without having need to reinstall the program.
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Dred said:
One more question, which laguages can compile to a exe file without need of a runtime or extra garbage in the windows system folders. I want to app to run within its own directory. Ie so it can be copied from one drive to another without having need to reinstall the program.
Borland C++ Builder :bleh:
I'm pretty sure it still has the static link option
absolutefunk said:
Ahh okay I did some searching and found my answer. Heh some quotes I picked up:

"Objective-C used to be a great language - about 10 years ago."

That was about when I heard about it...

"Most importantly, Objective-C is still a proprietary language, belonging to Steve Jobs & Co. No open standard, no defined evolution path."

Which also makes sense considering the guy who pimped this language up was a Mac freak. I also didn't know C# compiled to bytecode. Then again I've never once written anything in it either...


Yep. You need the .Net framework to run it. So they just compile it to byte code...
Okay everyone is steering you towards more complicated languages, but if you want to get it done fast, get Visual Studio 2005 and just use VB.NET. Setting up Forms with what you want to do would take a few clicks. Changing text size is simple using the events and VB's simple syntax.

Really I love Java and C++, but for what you want to do, going low level like C or C++ for windows is complicated and not easy to set up compared to VB.

But it's up to you. If you're going for a learning experience, I'd suggest doing this program in C++, then Java, then VB, just for the practice.
the_doug said:
GUI part of java is fun and easy to do, it's multithreading that kills me :cry:

Yeah but Multithreading (especially in graphics) for teh win:D
A thread for painting on screen, a thread for mouse events etc etc, fun stuff.
AluminumHaste said:
Okay everyone is steering you towards more complicated languages, but if you want to get it done fast, get Visual Studio 2005 and just use VB.NET. Setting up Forms with what you want to do would take a few clicks. Changing text size is simple using the events and VB's simple syntax.

Really I love Java and C++, but for what you want to do, going low level like C or C++ for windows is complicated and not easy to set up compared to VB.

But it's up to you. If you're going for a learning experience, I'd suggest doing this program in C++, then Java, then VB, just for the practice.
bc++b isn't much more complex than vb. it is form driven, except everything is in C++ instead of basic.