best free ping util for testing home wifi


New member
I don't want anything with too much crap I don't need, but the small utils I've tried often don't have a log file or report where it's easy to locate actual outages as opposed to 1-2 bad pings...

Also, whatever you think is important...

Have you tried using the Windows ping utility in Command Prompt or PowerShell? You can direct the output into a text file for future viewing.

ping -t > a.txt

The -t switch makes ping run indefinitely. The > symbol redirects standard output. Type ping /? to see more options.

You could probably write a script around ping to add functionality, such as timestamps, but how to do so is unfortunately beyond my knowledge. This thread at Stack Overflow might be a good place to start.
Ya I've been working with that, but I didn't know it could log. Thanks!

Still I wouldn't mind a bit more, like if it could count how many times it went dead for more than however many seconds, etc....
Quick question, what would you all consider to be an outage? How many seconds without a good ping? Also, what ping timeout would you go with? (Both of these on wifi, and all they do with this rig is web browsing and watching youtube videos...)

I was thinking 20 seconds of bad pings at 5 second timeout, but I'm no expert at all.
I don't think the free version of PingPlotter has what it takes to do long term testing....
Quick question, what would you all consider to be an outage? How many seconds without a good ping? Also, what ping timeout would you go with? (Both of these on wifi, and all they do with this rig is web browsing and watching youtube videos...)

I was thinking 20 seconds of bad pings at 5 second timeout, but I'm no expert at all.

That sounds reasonable to me as well, but I am also not an IT expert.