Best +55" TV under $900


New member
Considerations are:

1) $900 is hard ceiling; $899 plus $120 shipping doesn't count, nor does "well if you spend just a little bit more you could get so much better...". I already know that, what else is new?

2) Don't need a "SmartTv" or "Apps" or whatever; but ability to play movie files from a USB stick or drive is desired. DLNA streaming would be great but I'd settle for having to watch USB-delivered content.

3) Built in speaker quality is irrelevant, as is number of inputs greater than one. (Everything will be routed thru receiver).

What is it and where do I buy it at?

Several places have the Samsung UN55H6203 for $699. The 60" version is $899 at Walmart, PC Richard has it for $799.

Walmart has the Sony KDL60R510A for $699, and Vizio has several options in this price range.
OK...44 views and no responses? :(

C'mon guys. I know that everyone here is all l33t and everything and it's so cool to talk about 70" 4k curved screens and all....but seriously...
For plasma, I'd recommend the Samsung F5300 or F5500 series.

The F5300 has an insane level of picture calibration ability. But is a fairly dumb display beyond it's great picture quality

The F5500 has less calibration but it better calibrated outta the box. The SmartTV functions are kinda awesome and the remote makes using them great. Plays 1080p MKV's from usb almost perfectly(I've noticed that DTS soundtracks can subtly fall out of sync and then fall back into sync for no apparent reason :nuts:. I just quickly recode the DTS tracks to DD using Popcorn MKV AudioConverter.)