Best 19" monitor?


New member
Need input on getting a good quality 19" monitor. I have read good reviews on the Iiyama Pro45, Hitachi CM771, CTX PR960F and the Samsung 900NF. Thanks for your opinions.
As you can see i have a 19" Iiyama A901HT and i am very happy with it.
(Despite my videocard.....)
Also i've heard good things about the CTX.
Both the Iiyama and Samsung use the Diamondtron NF tube which is excellent (IMHO better then Trinitron).

I don't know anything about the Hitachi so...

In short, all three i listed above are very good, so my advice is to go with whichever one is cheapest
Thanks for your opinions. I am also trying to stay clear of the Trinitron monitors because I don't know if the faint horizontal lines from the aperture grill will drive me nuts. I think I would prefer a shadow mask monitor.
Well since you don't want an AG monitor, I'd check out the Samsung 955DF (good deal although low refresh rates so check out specs), 900ift, or one of the Hitachi Ergoflat models like the CM715 or CM775.

I think those are listed in price (cheapest first) too hehe.
Thanks. Since you seem to know about refresh rates, what would you consider an optimal rate? I know about dot pitch, and I just learned about grill vs. mask.
Well, both the trinitron and the dimanondtron have these thin lines,
but i don't really notice them.
You only really notice them in white areas. I never see them in games so i wouldn't worry much about.
Except if you want to do some professional vector and/or CAD based
drawing you shouln't go for these.
You should look at it in all sorts of programs before you buy it,
so you'll know what to expect.

Oh yeah, and another thing:
The Iiyama has 115Khz so it can do 1600x1200 in 90 hz
The "average" horizontal freq. 19" monitors have is about 95Khz

Just so you know :)
An optimal refresh rate is 85hz. That is the "flicker-free". Although, some are satisfied with 75hz. After I got rid of my 15" and 60hz refresh and used 100hz, I can't stand anything below 85hz for an extended period of time.

So I'd look for 85hz or higher at the refresh rate you plan on using most.
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The horizontal lines don't even show up that much, but take a look at the monitor before you buy it, and use a few different backgrounds.

I have a CPD-G500, but the CPD-G400 is pretty good too and has TCO 99 certification as well.

The TCO 99 certification wass basically the clincher for my purchase.