Basic Zoom Player Plugin


New member
Grab it here.

play/pause/stop fullscrren using zoom button on remote, arrow buttons up/down for brightness, left/right for contrast, channel up/down for gamma. volume.
So it is the third (or even 4th) plug-in for Zoom Player :-)
People seem to love ZP !!!
Great job, and now why not collaborating with all ZP plug-ins authors ?
You mean 4 remote wonder plugins for zoom player? LOL :)

Oh well, I did a search on google and I didn't find anything and since it's only a slight bit of code, it's nothing big.
yeah I meant 4th remote wonder plugin for Zoom Player ;-)

Actually, it's quite hard to find plugins for Remote Wonder through Google ... but just have a look at my website (below) to discover other plugins for this remote !