Baldurs gate III

So would an RTX 2070 gaming laptop be enough to play this one on? Previous company bought it for me last year to do “pentesting” on (don’t ask how I convinced them :lol: ) and this game sparked my interest with the focus on mind flayers / etc.

that doesnt make sense, there arent any games the 2070 cant run. is there a single game it cant get 60 fps minimum in? What res you playing at?
that doesnt make sense, there arent any games the 2070 cant run. is there a single game it cant get 60 fps minimum in? What res you playing at?

Never played a game on it, so I have no idea what it’s capable of - hence my ask ;)

1080p on the laptop, but 4k if I hook it up to the CX I have in there.
So would an RTX 2070 gaming laptop be enough to play this one on? Previous company bought it for me last year to do “pentesting” on (don’t ask how I convinced them :lol: ) and this game sparked my interest with the focus on mind flayers / etc.

I am playing with a beefed up Asus ROG with a 2070 -- everything maxed, looks and plays great.

Did co-op all weekend with a few buddies, we are loving it.
Never played a game on it, so I have no idea what it’s capable of - hence my ask ;)

1080p on the laptop, but 4k if I hook it up to the CX I have in there.

I'm running a Lenovo Legion with a 2070 in it. You'll be fine and able to play anything @1080p (haven't tried 4k). I'd recommend you undervolt your lappy as much as you can though and get a cooling pad to help reduce heat.
Patch 4 is now live. The patch notes are 8 pages long :eek: . Adds a number of fixes, updates, and the addition of a playable druid class.
This is out now, it seems to be quite popular too, 376K concurrent players on steam right now, and many people are probably still downloading it.
Wish i could afford it. Love larian, been making great games (though not to the quality of the last few) since divine divinity back in the day. So good. Big dnd player too, as much as i detest wotc. Will have to grab it on sale in 6 months or so, and dogde spoilers till then :D
I could never get into Original Sin 2. Is this like that?
Loved Original Sin 1 though. But I no longer have this level of time to play long term games.
I could never get into Original Sin 2. Is this like that?
Loved Original Sin 1 though. But I no longer have this level of time to play long term games.

It's going to be a huge time sink, a huge world and turn based combat is not a speedrun friendly combo.

Anyway, 532K concurrent players now, a more hardcore game have now outsold every mainstream effort by bioware.
I suspect this will be like Elden Ring (only not sell as well) where lots of people jump on the band wagon due to hype only to find out they're not really into the type of game it is. This was in early access too, so there's a lot of people playing right now who already bought the game prior to launch and are hopping back in because it's fully released.
Ok I will pick it up on discount. I think for turn based I might get Marvel game. Seems more my style of play. But then I loved XCOM but never got into XCOM 2 because of the steep learning curve.

Ain’t nobody got time for that now.
The original was the reason I got my first PC. (It was supposed to come out on the Dreamcast and never did) Picked up the whole box set with tales of the sword coast, heard “Full plate and packing steal” for the hundredth time and that was the end of that for me. Neverwinter nights was more my thing for D&D. This one looks too play very similarly to the originals?
The original was the reason I got my first PC. (It was supposed to come out on the Dreamcast and never did) Picked up the whole box set with tales of the sword coast, heard “Full plate and packing steal” for the hundredth time and that was the end of that for me. Neverwinter nights was more my thing for D&D. This one looks too play very similarly to the originals?

no, its really similar to playing divinity os with the 5e dnd rules. Its really good, but its s different to bg 1 and 2 as nwn 1 and 2 are.

That being said. I thoroughly enjoyed bg 1 and 2, nwn 1 and 2, (and 3), as well as solasta and now bg3. So i could be biased.
It's currently quite buggy whilst being a good game.

I wasn't even able to finish the game because the last area was massively broken (I was unable to talk to some of the characters, my main character was permanently mindfucked, silenced and all sorts of weird things like mobs being unable to move etc.) Pretty familiar stuff if you've played DoS2 when it was new - give it a few bigger patches.

Also, is it just me or is every damn character in the game gay?
Havin some issues myself, with the npcs not being able to be talked to. There is a big patch coming soon, like in a week. Gonna wait for it.