glide smoothness..
glide smoothness..
Any game that runs in glide will run more smoothly (generally) than it will in D3D on another card, although I have to admit that I don't seem to have run into this problem with my original Radeon or 8500.
I came from a Voodoo4 to the Radeon and didn't really see any difference in smoothness, other than the fact that in UT the V4 would not drop as low in FPS as the Radeon (running in direct3d). The only game I don't like running on the Radeon/8500 so far is Morrowind, which is either poorly coded or needs a 3GHz processor to get decent framerates out of it.
I generally run with vsync off though, and never get any tearing or visual glitches to speak of.
glide smoothness..
Any game that runs in glide will run more smoothly (generally) than it will in D3D on another card, although I have to admit that I don't seem to have run into this problem with my original Radeon or 8500.
I came from a Voodoo4 to the Radeon and didn't really see any difference in smoothness, other than the fact that in UT the V4 would not drop as low in FPS as the Radeon (running in direct3d). The only game I don't like running on the Radeon/8500 so far is Morrowind, which is either poorly coded or needs a 3GHz processor to get decent framerates out of it.
I generally run with vsync off though, and never get any tearing or visual glitches to speak of.