ATI Radeon 4870's fullscreen video output is only 1024x768 resolution?

That was only a suggestion to try to see if the same issue develops. It wasn't meant as a permanent solution.

Also, can you set the TV as the Main/Primary and the monitor as the Secondary? I would think if you do this, and start the Video on the Primary screen, you can then use the Secondary screen for your Desktop use while watching the videos.
Yeah, I can try that. However, HDTV looks blurry due to the very long VGA cable connection since it is far away from my desktop.
Weird. I don't see that in mine: ...

I am still using old school analog audio speakers and cables from my onboard audio.

link is broken

im using media player classic home cinema x64 version

not sure why it wouldn't be there, that feature has been around for years

notice my typo before too, playback not player tab(should have seen It tho, its right below the player tab)
link is broken

im using media player classic home cinema x64 version

not sure why it wouldn't be there, that feature has been around for years

notice my typo before too, playback not player tab(should have seen It tho, its right below the player tab)
Ah, no wonder I didn't see it. I even checked on my work's MPC-HC installation. It wasn't there as well.

Anyways, wow... I never noticed that fullscreen section before. Wait, when was that added if it is new? I have been using MPC-HC for many years. LOL.

Clone display setup shows gr(a/e)yed out option for "Fullscreen monitor".

Extended horizontal display setup shows it not gr(e/a)yed out. So, I tried it. It works PERFECTLY to start playing. However, if I wanted to access MPC-HC player, I need to go to the HDTV. I can't do it on my primary monitor? :/
Yeah, at this point you may have to live with a couple of quirks. It's a lot harder since you are sticking with one older driver...