Hi everybody!!,
i have a very urgent question.. i planned for some times now to buy
together a simple Radeon 32 DDR (+tvout) + Tv Wonder Tuner (very good
little tv tuner + capture vid-in s-video and composite and sound too..)..
All seems to be good for me on the paper [at last!!!! ,)] and i was happy
to buy this 'combo' that seemed to have it all for me and my budget..
**But** i read on the 'ATI technical papers' this!!!!!!! ,((( : http://support.ati.com/infobase/3690.html
To sum up:
" Multimedia Center 7.0, which currently ships with the RADEON products,
is not compatible with the ATI-TV WONDER tuner card.
To use an ATI-TV WONDER in conjunction with a RADEON product:
1. Un-install ATI Multimedia Center 7.0
2. Re-install the ATI-TV WONDER software, from the ATI-TV WONDER
installation CD. "
What does it mean???!
What will i loose without the MMC 7.0?? DVD app, that's it???
But i'm also all the more puzzled now with this recent thread i read in
this same 'Rage3D' forum:
In one post on this very specific topic (Radeon + Tv Wonder), seantek had this answer from hifat, but NO precise answer apart this one (and this is exactly my same question/problem in fact!!!!..)
Topic: Can I get S-Video In on a Radeon 64?
posted 09-22-2000 04:30 AM
SeanTek, I have an ATI TV wonder VE & a Radeon 64meg
VIVO & the two are working perfectly together. I can't comment
on the bullitin you read, I can only tell you from my own experience. I
don't seen to be having any problems so far 7 both have been running on
my system for about a week.
So: what is this all about???????
What to believe???
Is it possible to use a Radeon with a Tv Wonder so??
If not, what do we loose without the MMC 7.0 of the Radeon exactly???
I really would love to buy this 'ATI combo' compared to a Geforce Mx o/c
+ another Tv Tuner, but if this doesn't work together??... ,((
Please, do you have some experience with this combo too??
Does this work indeed??
Many thanks in advance!!!
i have a very urgent question.. i planned for some times now to buy
together a simple Radeon 32 DDR (+tvout) + Tv Wonder Tuner (very good
little tv tuner + capture vid-in s-video and composite and sound too..)..
All seems to be good for me on the paper [at last!!!! ,)] and i was happy
to buy this 'combo' that seemed to have it all for me and my budget..
**But** i read on the 'ATI technical papers' this!!!!!!! ,((( : http://support.ati.com/infobase/3690.html
To sum up:
" Multimedia Center 7.0, which currently ships with the RADEON products,
is not compatible with the ATI-TV WONDER tuner card.
To use an ATI-TV WONDER in conjunction with a RADEON product:
1. Un-install ATI Multimedia Center 7.0
2. Re-install the ATI-TV WONDER software, from the ATI-TV WONDER
installation CD. "
What does it mean???!
What will i loose without the MMC 7.0?? DVD app, that's it???
But i'm also all the more puzzled now with this recent thread i read in
this same 'Rage3D' forum:
In one post on this very specific topic (Radeon + Tv Wonder), seantek had this answer from hifat, but NO precise answer apart this one (and this is exactly my same question/problem in fact!!!!..)
Topic: Can I get S-Video In on a Radeon 64?
posted 09-22-2000 04:30 AM
SeanTek, I have an ATI TV wonder VE & a Radeon 64meg
VIVO & the two are working perfectly together. I can't comment
on the bullitin you read, I can only tell you from my own experience. I
don't seen to be having any problems so far 7 both have been running on
my system for about a week.
So: what is this all about???????
What to believe???
Is it possible to use a Radeon with a Tv Wonder so??
If not, what do we loose without the MMC 7.0 of the Radeon exactly???
I really would love to buy this 'ATI combo' compared to a Geforce Mx o/c
+ another Tv Tuner, but if this doesn't work together??... ,((
Please, do you have some experience with this combo too??
Does this work indeed??
Many thanks in advance!!!