ATI CATALYST™ 02.1 Alternative server

Mirror for capture/remote/mmc catalyst updates!!

Mirror for capture/remote/mmc catalyst updates!!

Could anyone please put up mirrors for the other components of catalyst??


- E

I was just looking for an alternate server! The ATI server is so clogged right now I am using my school's wideband and only get 3kb/sec and timed out at least a dozen times already (never got beyond 1MB)

Doing 30kb/sec on your server right now. Thanks man! Now can someone upload a mirror file for the MMC update too? Pretty please!
I had to get some1 from Driverheaven to manually send it to me, I loved that 3 kb/s from ATI :(

Glad u guys will have the drivers also :)
Good looking out on the XP drivers....

Was getting like 5-8kbs @ ATi with numerous timeouts...
Just pulled them from the mirror @ 190kbs....

Thank you VERY much. I set it to download this morning (about 10 hours ago, and it's been stalled at 3.47MB forever!)

Now I'm 85% done in just 2 minutes! sweet!
(had to download them before I moved back to 56k at home!)
Can someone please post a mirror link for the Win98/ME drivers? I've been trying all day to get onto ATI's site, but I keep timing out. :(
Man that was great.
I have been trying to get these from ATI's site for all day yesterday, only could get up to 3-4 KB/sec.
This site allowed the complete download at over
108 KB/sec.
Took less than 45sec for download.

We too have a W98se system w/R8500. Could you post a link to these drivers. Or will the link work if altered to W98se?