ASP question


New member

I'm an ASP newbie, and I'm trying to get a plain directory browse listing to use an ASP template for displaying modified file links...

In more detail, I'm trying to get my massive MP3 collection (24 GB, over 4000 tunes...) to stream online with Windows Media Services on a Win2000 Server box with IIS 5. I'd like to permit users to browse the directory structure (it's constantly changing, so static links will kill me!), and click on any file they want so that it launches it with an mms:// link... thus, streaming any tune they want... and not requiring me to constantly update my web site when I add MP3 files to my collection.

If you can point me in the right direction, I'll gladly give you access once I get it working!
Re: ASP question

hsnerd said:

I'm an ASP newbie, and I'm trying to get a plain directory browse listing to use an ASP template for displaying modified file links...

In more detail, I'm trying to get my massive MP3 collection (24 GB, over 4000 tunes...) to stream online with Windows Media Services on a Win2000 Server box with IIS 5. I'd like to permit users to browse the directory structure (it's constantly changing, so static links will kill me!), and click on any file they want so that it launches it with an mms:// link... thus, streaming any tune they want... and not requiring me to constantly update my web site when I add MP3 files to my collection.

If you can point me in the right direction, I'll gladly give you access once I get it working!

haven't used ASP in ages, but:
Set MyDirectory=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set MyFiles=MyDirectory.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("/somedirectory"))
For each filefound in MyFiles.files

<a href="mms://<%=filefound.Name%>"><%=filefound.Name%></a>

if that works I'll eat my hat (it's old and dirty too)

EDIT: here's a link that might help you and another one
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