Anyone read Visual C++ for Dummies?


New member
I want to learn how to program in C++ and I saw this book in a store. I was wondering if anyone has read this and if it would be a good place to start? Thanks guys.
THIS is a very good list of books that are good for those interested in C++ with no/little programming knowledge. The last book, Thinking in C++, is free of the internet ... so search for it, download it, read it, and see if you like it. If not, try another one ... you'll need more than one if your serious about programming..
Don't get the Dummy book, get the Deleitle and Deleitle book or the C++ primer, or the C++ Primer Plus book, or pretty much any book by Jasma, But Don't get the Dummy book... I got that book about 10 years ago when I was 11, after I had been messing with basic and pascal, and that one book acually turned me off on C++ It wasnt till about 4 years after I got that book that I got another book and started back up on Larning C++.... So one More time Don't get the Dummy book