Anyone manage to get Secret of Monkey Island working in Me / Xp?


New member
I have SOMI (Secret of Monkey Island), and I felt like playing it again, except it doesn't play in WinMe (I get a Runtime error) and in WinXP it doesn't even start. Monkey Island 2 I can play just fine in either OS (although in WinMe I have proper SB16 emulation, in XP I get some horrible General Midi crap... :().

I was just wondering if anyone knew how to play Monkey Island in Me or Xp? Is there a particular tweak I can use to get Me to behave like 98SE in terms of Real-DOS compatability? I know for a fact (since I tried on another guys machine) that it works in any OS upto and including Win98SE, but nothing beyond it.

Can anyone help?
Hmmm... I have that on a cd around here somewhere... I'll let you know if I can run it in Me once I find it.

*contemplates cleaning desk*... Nah.
Holy crap! I can't find my copy. Must be at my parents' house. I'm gonna go cry now. I know I had it working in Windows 2000, but I can't remember if I had to do anything special for it to work.


I successfully got Monkey Island to work in Windows Me!!! :D It still doesn't work in WinXP, but I'm looking at XP only for my main gaming, Me is for emulation and old skool games (YEAH!)

Anyway, in case you were wondering how to perform this miracle, you simply have to right click on "monkey.exe", go into its properties, and under the "Memory" tab, make sure that everything is on "Auto". That's it! It works like a charm, and I'm off to play Monkey Island soon... got things to do first. :)