Anyone know a good case?


New member
Anyone know a good looking case for a good price? I'm looking for a midtower/full tower chasis. Not a Lian-Li though, those are too expensive for just a case.
Well you really should get Lian Li because it's really a long term investment, you can use it long after you upgrade your mobo and CPU. I own PC68 and it's unbelievable, best case ever no doubt.
actual models i dont know, but here are things to look for in case

1) look for a screwless case, or a case that is easy to open without tools... mine just has the one screw in the back, but it doesn't require a screwdriver u just turn it by hand

2) i hate plastic except for the front, u want a non-bendable metal

3) spots for case fans always welcome

4) when installing the hard drive make sure it's not too close to that speaker... it's a powerful little magnet you know!

5) 300watts of power or more!

6) make sure u get the right drive bay you want, I like mounting brackets myself but many prefer traditional screws

7) u often get what u pay for
Using an Antec SX-1030 and I love it.

Check out the website. Compare them. The premium cases cost more for a reason. And don't forget that you will probably be using this case for at least the next 5 years.

You do NOT want to use some cheap plastic case that is leaking EM radiation and screwing up your hard drives, or a cheap power supply that will screw up everthing it is connected to.

The SX-1030 comes with two case fans and you can add two more.