Anyone hosting a JK2 server tomorrow?


New member
Knowing my week will I will probably be @ eb by 12:00 tomorrow. Anyone gonna host the rest of us ragers can have a game together? Oh also to the guys who have already 'aquired' the game, is there any passwd-type protection to get on line (a-la half-life, tribes2, etc.)? Just curious. Thx!
I now know where to get the game before tomorrow.

I now know where to get the game before tomorrow.

If I were to want to run the game without having to go through the labourious effort of finding the cd every time does anyone know where to get the no-cd crack? Thx!
There are already a NUMBER of JK2 servers out.

JK2 is a great game and has many good multiplayer modes. I definitely recommend it. ( has it for $49.99 with free shipping.)
Re: I now know where to get the game before tomorrow.

Re: I now know where to get the game before tomorrow.

DiaperJe|\|i3 said:
If I were to want to run the game without having to go through the labourious effort of finding the cd every time does anyone know where to get the no-cd crack? Thx!

Just make an image of your LEGAL cd on your HD and use daemon tools so it's virtually mounted. :p