Aliens: Fireteam


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Maybe a better Colonial Marines type game is coming?


Today the most recent entry in the Aliens game franchise was finally given a release date. Aliens: Fireteam is a three-player co-op shooter in the same vein as Left 4 Dead or the upcoming Back 4 Blood and is scheduled to be coming out in the summer of this year. Cold Iron Studios are the developers behind Aliens: Fireteam, but up until today, I hadn’t heard of them. Let’s take a look.

Past Games

Aliens: Fireteam is Cold Iron’s first game. Despite being around since 2015, this will be their first release. You can hardly blame them though as their Silicon Valley-based team is relatively small when compared to other studios. According to their Facebook page, the studio started as just three “industry veterans with a goal of creating games they want to play and building a team they love working with. Since then, the team has expanded to 20+ awesome developers.” Members of their team has previously worked on games like City of Heroes, Star Trek Online, and Neverwinter.

History of Acquisition

Cold Iron’s journey to getting their Alien game made and published has been a long one. Since 2018, three years after the studio’s creation, they have been passed around to a handful of different owners. After Kabam split in 2018, FoxNext Games took the company. Once Fox was purchased by Disney in the following year, FoxNext Games was then under Disney’s management. After the Fox-Disney merger, Disney sold FoxNext Games to mobile game publisher Scopely in 2020. Scopely shopped Cold Iron and its Aliens game around until August 2020 when Daybreak Games purchased the company.

Aliens: Fireteam is set to come out this summer for PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, Playstation 4, and Playstation 5.
Very interested, but I need end user reviews before buying this time. I was so excited for A:CM and felt so disappointed after playing it. I would love for someone to finally nail the experience :up:
Wasn’t this announced a while back and it’s pretty much L4D but in space and aliens ? Possibly same engine ? Or am I confused...
Well its the perfect fit for a L4D clone really. So here hoping they have made this really fun :D
This looks like it has potential, just like Colonel Marines did, but they'll fook it up, just like they did with Colonel Marines.

I can just tell.
Yeah I actually liked Colonial Marines much more than the general consensus. I did play it long after it was patched up, and got it super cheap though. But I found it enjoyable enough for the time, and they did do a decent job at capturing the feel and atmosphere of the Aliens movie.

This game looks super interesting to me for the co-op component, and the assumption they learned lessons from Colonial Marine's mistakes. But I play co-op on a weekly basis now with my brothers and a couple friends so we're always looking for good new co-op games. We actually did play Colonial Marines in co-op recently and did enjoy it. Thought it was actually pretty fun playing with friends on badass difficulty and using voice chat. Was much improved after applying the .ini fixes for the Xenomorph AI. If they can deliver a stable modern version of that with improvements I'll be happy.

I think this new Aliens game looks like a mix of Colonial Marines and World War Z (since 3rd person, and character classes with different abilities and perks) which is another co-op game we really liked. Anyways I was pleasantly surprised to learn this is in development and on track for release this summer. Hoping its good.
I'm probably the only person alive that didn't like the L4D series. I think I played both of the games a grand total of two hours and had enough.