A question for webdevelopment...


New member
I am doing some web development I know a lot of java and regular C. Anyway I wanted originally to do a servlet but my web hosting service doesnt offer support for them. Instead I am gonan learn CGI so I may do the site. However I was hoping that there was some way to rigg it so that I wouldnt have to:-D. Is there some other technology that would allow a servlet or something like it to run. Finally we are going to be using mysql so this thing needs to be able to work with it.
not too sure what you are after.
A servlet is going to need an application server on the web-tier, I've used JRUN which is very nice and available for many different platforms.

CGI, yep, as long as your server supports that...you can use the Perl DBI to access almost any db, including MySQL
Yeah, using Perl you have access to DBI which gives you good control over MySQL. You also have access to CGI and if your provider is using Apache and mod_perl you can use Apache ASP which is wicked. And fast.