320x240 in any game?


New member
any1 know how to force a direct x game to any resolution with out going into the game's settings? I know with dxdiag u can force a refresh rate but not rez. thx
I know you can with Voodoo2s (using Megabyte's resolution override technology), but I dont think you can with other cards.
320x240 eh? I think you should spend more time wondering how to get a job to buy a REAL video card that has enough memory to run games with good framerates ABOVE 320x240... ;)
:lol: no I need 320x240 to capture a video of my replays.... I have a R8500 on a Athlon XP 2000+ with 512 DDR ram thank you very much....
The higher the resolution the higher the .avi will be if a 320x240 avi is 1.5GB (uncompressed) for 3:30 mins Imagine a 640x480 version...
Why don't you just capture at a higher resolution and then shrink the video down after? How are you capturing this anyways?
Yes, I'd like to know also, how are you capturing this? And, why don't you just save the demo to a video tape through video out and then recapture it from the video tape in any resolution you like?