18.2.1 released


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http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Windows 10 - 64

Release Notes

​Resolved Issues

OverWatch™ may experience a random or intermittent hang on some system configurations.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Siege may experience an application hang when breaching walls with grenades or explosives.
Netflix playback in a browser or via UWP application may experience stutter.
After recording with Radeon ReLive GPU usage and clocks may remain in high states.
Assassin's Creed®: Origins may experience bright or saturated lighting in cave missions.
Mass Effect Andromeda™ may have issues enabling HDR10 on an HDR capable display.
Forza™ Horizon 3 may experience corruption on rocks or foliage during gameplay.
Halo™ Wars 2 may experience a crash on game launch.
Enabling HBCC on Radeon RX Vega in multi GPU system configurations may cause the secondary graphics card to be hidden in Radeon Settings until reboot.
Resizing the Radeon Settings window may cause the UI to restart or hang with HBCC enabled.

Known Issues

Upgrading Radeon Software with Radeon RX Vega series graphics products in multi GPU on X99 chipsets may cause system instability after reboot.
Radeon Settings may experience a hang when enabling AMD CrossFire with three or more graphics products.
Performance Metrics Overlay may hang if enabled when cycling display power off and on.
Trimming videos may fail to create a thumbnail if the video contains non-English characters.
3x1 display configurations may experience instability during Eyefinity creation or during gaming.
The "Reset" function in Radeon Settings for Display, ReLive, and Video may not work as intended when using Radeon Settings in certain regional languages.
Radeon WattMan may intermittently fail to load profiles for Radeon RX Vega on the global Radeon Wattman page.
Rise of the Tomb Raider™ may experience an intermittent application hang during gameplay.
A random system hang may be experienced after extended periods of use on system configurations using 12 GPU's for compute workloads.
The GPU Workload feature may cause a system hang when switching to Compute while AMD CrossFire is enabled. A workaround is to disable AMD CrossFire before switching the toggle to Compute workloads.
Thought the last drivers had fixed Overwatch already...

Oh well looks like a good dl...


first time total mess with these for me!
Eyefinity goes berserk, system BSOD's with atikmpag.sys, uninstalling becomes a chore.
Bricked my system trying to get rid of drivers, re-installed Windows from scratch, tried the drivers again, same crap :mad:

Huge let-down this time around, back to stable 18.1.1.

god only knows wth changed :confused:
No eyefinity issues here. Everything I've tried seems to work.

Lurk, your system specs says win 7, Is that still true?
Both 18.1.1 and 18.2.1 wont down clock core properly without a restart for me other than that no complaints so far.
Made a leap to 18.2.1 from 17.11.2 but also updated the chipset drivers to 17.40 from January. So far so good. Core clocks down to 300 mhz from 1338. No crashes or hangs and runs cool. Now if I could just get a working bios out of GB past F6 Id be kosher. Their latest F20 wont allow any changes in bios. Everything is locked on auto in classic view fans goto max and easy view wont allow me to tweak the ram so can only run 2133.
Since this last update, my monitors seem to not want to go to sleep. I came back after several hours and all were on.
Made a leap to 18.2.1 from 17.11.2 but also updated the chipset drivers to 17.40 from January. So far so good. Core clocks down to 300 mhz from 1338. No crashes or hangs and runs cool. Now if I could just get a working bios out of GB past F6 Id be kosher. Their latest F20 wont allow any changes in bios. Everything is locked on auto in classic view fans goto max and easy view wont allow me to tweak the ram so can only run 2133.

Have you googled anything about the bios being locked? That sounds like a security feature to prevent bios changers via exploits, specially since the Meltdown/spectre is all being fixed via bios, locking it would make sense. I would suspect there has to be a setting to unlock it so you can make bios setting changes (most likely only until you save and reboot)... Have you checked under security/admin/password settings?

I am just making a guess, as I don't know. Just something that popped up in my head.
Did a clean install before leaving the house for a few hours and still the monitors won't go to sleep. At least they are on when I walk into the room after being gone longer than the 30 minutes I have set for them to sleep.
Have you googled anything about the bios being locked? That sounds like a security feature to prevent bios changers via exploits, specially since the Meltdown/spectre is all being fixed via bios, locking it would make sense. I would suspect there has to be a setting to unlock it so you can make bios setting changes (most likely only until you save and reboot)... Have you checked under security/admin/password settings?

I am just making a guess, as I don't know. Just something that popped up in my head.

I did try to save and reboot to see if that could unlock things... never thought it might be about the recent exploits. I didnt put any password for the bios. Most people trying the bios out dont report being unable to remove auto on ram settings. All you have to do is remove xmp and you get access to bios settings on F6 which I rolled back to. The only thing I want to try is get ram back up to 3200 after F20 as all I cared for was new ryzen 2 cpu support. Not gonna oc the cpu...

Im wondering if I should get the new cpu then grab F20...

I did some googling but Ill try that.