17.9.3 out


Active member

WTF is this POS. A couple of fixes and that's it???? How about enabling the broken features on Vega? Has AMD got it's head stuck firmly up its a*se or what? Seriously do these driver guys know WTF they're doing or are they just taking the pi** :rolleyes:

No wonder Raja went on 'leave' after this Vega clusterf**k of a launch. Everyone at AMD RTG associated with RX Vega should hang their heads in shame at this sorry state of affairs. Does this basically mean all those features I thought I was getting with Vega were just Raja BS and they'll never work? IMHO this is absolutely pathetic.
lol no....this has to nothing to do with Raja's leave. I think it was most likely has to do with Raja took his vacation to spend with his family. /r/AMD people would've thought that Vega's performance and power hungry embarrass to Raja. But not really. It's just some stupid drama, period. Why did you really think the Vega was messed up? I'm pretty sure AMD knew it before they released it and it was made for outside of gaming, mainly for workstation, compute, and professional.
unknown state : HBCC
workable state : DSBR - fetch once
unknown state : DSBR - shade once
unknown state : Primitive Shaders
unknown state : FP16 for rendering

and i'm sure i forgot something

unknown means most likely not working
unknown state : HBCC
workable state : DSBR - fetch once
unknown state : DSBR - shade once
unknown state : Primitive Shaders
unknown state : FP16 for rendering

and i'm sure i forgot something

unknown means most likely not working

HBCC is working.

What is NOT working for sure is the Rasterizer. They had it working for 1 driver update but it was giving corruption or something and then they disabled it. (on Vega FE)... They said it would be re-enabled at a later date.

But for the most part, Vega is running on a base Fury X driver. Vega drivers are still very very very much immature.
*snip*Vega drivers are still very very very much immature.

And that's why it's weird that they don't seem focus more on "maturing" the driver for Vega, instead they are shoveling out such small increments in updates it's aggravating. And I haven't even got my Vega even! :lol:
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The driver is mainly for the two new games, Forza 7 and Warhammer 2. People used to complain when AMD never released game ready drivers, or released them weeks later.
Sooo, I just visited the driverpage and just noticed that AMD "updated" the 17.9.3. Whereas the original date of the 17.9.3 drivers is "Non-WHQL-Win10-64Bit-Radeon-Software-Crimson-ReLive-17.9.3-Sep27" they "just" released this: "whql-radeon-software-crimson-relive-17.9.3-win10-64bit-oct2".

I guess the only difference is the WHQL certification?
Sooo, I just visited the driverpage and just noticed that AMD "updated" the 17.9.3. Whereas the original date of the 17.9.3 drivers is "Non-WHQL-Win10-64Bit-Radeon-Software-Crimson-ReLive-17.9.3-Sep27" they "just" released this: "whql-radeon-software-crimson-relive-17.9.3-win10-64bit-oct2".

I guess the only difference is the WHQL certification?
