16.1.1 Hotfix drivers 1/31


New member
Is this old news? Has a release date of 1/31, and the notes mention Rise of Tomb Raider & FO4 fixes. I just started RotTR, hope it bumps framerate slightly !
i get horrible simmering on texture object with this driver in tomb raider.....
Hows the opengl? I reverted to pre crimson because opengl games like WOT (russiangl some would say) would crash the computer to a black screen then have to press reset...
[86690] Fallout 4 - Flickering may be experienced at various game locations with the v1.3 game update and with AMD Crossfire™ enabled. The AMD Radeon™ Software Crimson Edition 16.1.1 Hotfix driver has been updated. Please download this driver once again and reinstall it to address this issue.
Hows the opengl? I reverted to pre crimson because opengl games like WOT (russiangl some would say) would crash the computer to a black screen then have to press reset...

Played many of OpenGL games (Penumbra, Amnesia, SOMA, The Dark Mod, etc) with 6.1 and now with 6.1.1 no crash whatsoever perhaps is one of those cases where particular hardware and software configurations cause trouble. One problem i add with 6.1 that is now gone in 6.1.1 was severe screen corruption using VSR in some games.
Be sure and grab the 2/3 version of 16.1.1; it replaced the 1/31 version of the driver by the same version #. I still can't figure out what AMD has against using clear and unambiguous driver numbers...this driver should have been 16.1.2...
Wow, this new scheme is just absolutely horrible:

When I check for driver updates in my Radeon Settings it says no updates are available and my current version is reported as:


When I check in System the Radeon Software version is reported as 16.1 (I think I have applied the december (?) hotfix so that's why).

Now when I check on amd.com in Drivers & Downloads center, the latest driver available for my card is "AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition Display Driver version 15.30.1025.1001". Under Features, it says the Revision Number for the Radeon Software is "Crimson Edition 15.12"

And the latest hotfix dated 2/4/2016 has a revision number "Crimson Edition 16.1.1 Hotfix".

Can anyone explain what the actual **** are the guys at AMD smoking?
Wow, this new scheme is just absolutely horrible:

When I check for driver updates in my Radeon Settings it says no updates are available and my current version is reported as:


When I check in System the Radeon Software version is reported as 16.1 (I think I have applied the december (?) hotfix so that's why).

Now when I check on amd.com in Drivers & Downloads center, the latest driver available for my card is "AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition Display Driver version 15.30.1025.1001". Under Features, it says the Revision Number for the Radeon Software is "Crimson Edition 15.12"

And the latest hotfix dated 2/4/2016 has a revision number "Crimson Edition 16.1.1 Hotfix".

Can anyone explain what the actual **** are the guys at AMD smoking?

I THINK.. not 100% sure.. the Crimson software checks based upon status of the driver.. ie if you have WHQL installed, it only checks for the WHQL certified drivers.. the WQHL 15.12 (2015-12th month, ie Dec 2015) driver.. as hotfix drivers are not WHQL certified does not show in the available updates. What would be a nice enhancement request for the AMD Driver team would be a check box in the updates section to check for ALL (WHQL & Beta) drivers.


Package Contents

The AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 15.12 contains the following:
◾AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 15.12 Driver version 15.30.1025.1001


Highlights of AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 15.12

This release provides users with a Microsoft WHQL certified version of the AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 15.11.1 Update driver
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