.13/.15u manufacturing fabs?


New member
As far as I understand, radeon and the radeon 2 (mostly speculation on the radeon 2) is based on .18u manufacturing. If a company like AMD (I like amd, I have to mention them) extended an arm to allow usage of a .15u fab, or the up and coming .13u fabs, could you imagine how fast the babies could go? Think, you grab the radeon 2 ulta at 240mhz (supposedly leaked info from ati, it might come out), take it to the .13u fab plant, using the same designs, shrink the die size accordingly. You've just reduced parasitic capacitances, lowered current consumption, reduced heat production and increased the maximum stable operating frequency. Crank it up to 300 or 366mhz... bang. Couple it with some really high speed ram, and you have got yourself a radeon 2 mega-ultra? ultra-ultra? super-ultra? Well, you got the idea.
ATI has already arranged with their manufacturing partners to produce the Radeon 3 on a 0.15 micron process. Trust me, this has been completely verified.
Right no the biggest problem is memory speed. If you overclock the processor while keeping memory the same you get no change, bump the memory and viola! a big change (at least noticanle) the Radeon core could probably run at 300mhz without a problem. The HSF on it now is purely cosmetic, just included for peace of mind for consumers, but it wouldn't make a difference without the ram being higher.

I don't suffer from INSANITY, I enjoy every MINUTE of it!!!!!!!!!!

T-Bird 900@1 Gig
256 PC-100
Radeon 64mb VIVO (7020's and DX8)

"For death awaits you all in the form of big teeth like this!"
This is not true

This is not true

Neotic said:
Right no the biggest problem is memory speed. If you overclock the processor while keeping memory the same you get no change, bump the memory and viola! a big change (at least noticanle) the Radeon core could probably run at 300mhz without a problem. The HSF on it now is purely cosmetic, just included for peace of mind for consumers, but it wouldn't make a difference without the ram being higher.

I don't suffer from INSANITY, I enjoy every MINUTE of it!!!!!!!!!!

T-Bird 900@1 Gig
256 PC-100
Radeon 64mb VIVO (7020's and DX8)

"For death awaits you all in the form of big teeth like this!"

I get a big difference when moveing the core clock up like wise when moving the memory up but still my 3dmarks are alot higher do to running the core at 130mhz and the ram at 107mhz. i now have over 6000 score on 3dmark 2000
before I only got like around 5800
Re: This is not true

Re: This is not true

backWERD said:

I get a big difference when moveing the core clock up like wise when moving the memory up but still my 3dmarks are alot higher do to running the core at 130mhz and the ram at 107mhz. i now have over 6000 score on 3dmark 2000
before I only got like around 5800

Both the core and RAM settings are important, however for most graphics chips the problem is memory bandwidth.
Well If your card is Memmory badwidth limited then theoretically you would'nt get much higher bench from overclocking the core and not the mem but on the radeon this is not true!!! I get a significantly higher bench when overclocking the core even when not overclocking the mem although I do see significant increase in performing when I up the Memory and not the core. So the only thing I can attest this too is The performance increase when overclocking the core is from the faster T&L and the performance increase when I overclock the Mem is from the increase in bandwidth so the best way to overclock would be increase your core and mem as much a possible as long as you are still stable and you will have a the fastest possible radeon that you can have.
So what your saying is that if the card wasnt memmory bandwidth limited then overclocking the mem would yeild not much performance increase. is this correct? So its a good thing cards are memmory bandwidth limmited because then overclocking the memmory would yeild no performance increase, right?
So what your saying is that if the card wasnt memmory bandwidth limited then overclocking the mem would yeild not much performance increase. is this correct? So its a good thing cards are memmory bandwidth limmited because then overclocking the memmory would yeild no performance increase, right?

so that must mean that even the tnt and tnt2 were bandwidth limited

does the kyro gain performance when just overclocking the ram cuz if it does it to is bandwidth limmited.
Whoa, backWERD!!! 3 posts???

Both the core and the memory timings significantly affect the speed, yes, but the Radeon has the timings synchronized for better stability. The core is easier to overclock than the RAM, since it was designed for 200+ MHz.

Performance depends on the application.

You have it backward. If the card is bandwidth limited performance is improved with overclocking the memory.

The Radeon II has been scheduled for a Q3 release date by ATI. Haven't you guys been keeping up with news?

I wish I could find the news I posted...can someone help me out here. I can't find the info.
Jarrett said:
The Radeon II has been scheduled for a Q3 release date by ATI. Haven't you guys been keeping up with news?

I wish I could find the news I posted...can someone help me out here. I can't find the info.

Uh, Jarrett, whose posts are you refering to?
Yes, the Radeon 2 should come out by the end of Q3.

But do you even know when Q3 starts and ends?