Sticky threads in this forum


Well-known member
Staff member
Hey guys, looking at the forums, this section seems to have more sticky threads than the others. Looking at these threads, I'm not sure how useful they are these days. Take a look at these threads and let me know your thoughts please.

Post pics of your computer - I like this being stickied, it's not every day people get a new PC - not having this stickied will cause it to get lost.

Edge Router Lite- Very Basic Tutorial - I'm not sure this one needs to be stickied

Methods of Madness: Video on how to apply thermal paste - Again, not sure this one needs to be stickied.

Your One Stop Shop PC Tools / OverClocking Tools - This one could still be stickied if the list of tools was updated. As it stands right now - its very outdated. If someone wanted to take a crack at updating it, I'd be happy to replace the sticky thread.

General Hardware - Useful Threads of this Forum - Very outdated and I think it doesn't apply anymore. Would take a lot to update, should probably be unstickied.
The thermal paste one can be nuked.

I think sites like gamersnexus and the like has shown that you can pretty much do it however you like as long as you get good coverage.

And extreme overclockers has pretty much shown that methods that were considered bad such as the spread method is just BS, it doesn't matter.
Yeah I 100% agree on the thermal paste one. I'm going to unsticky that now.
Post pics can be nuked. It’s not like anyone is posting pics anymore.
You can also YouTube or Google pics of computers. Especially poorly built ones. :bleh:
The pics thread will probably have some new stuff in it soon-ish, people are moving onto new stuff this fall/winter.
The pics thread will probably have some new stuff in it soon-ish, people are moving onto new stuff this fall/winter.

Yeah that was my thoughts exactly. Once new hardware comes out - we will see new builds posted.
Add 'admin abuse' GIF here. :p
