Rage3D v5.0 - what do you want to see?


Well-known member
Staff member
We've been teasing this update for awhile now, and we're nearly there. Rage3D v5.0 is a ground up new site based on vBulletin 5, utilizing Wordpress for the front end (CMS). It looks like we'll launch the front end first (front page etc), with the new forums launching soon thereafter.

Since the info is widely available online, I won't bore you with a full tutorial on what vB5 + wordpress has to offer. What I will say is that this finally allows us to get past the "legacy bits" that, while often fun and unique, have been a constant challenge in regard to keeping the site secure and upgradeable. It will be much easier to manage, and offers the flexibility to introduce new functions toward enhancing the community.

The new site will launch with a single template, but we'll have the flexibility to easily introduce / reintroduce new themes. So while I for one will miss my favorite midnight theme, I expect we'll be able to move forward with additional themes in relatively short order.

I thought it would be interesting to hear feedback / suggestions moving forward. What would you like to see in the new site? What do you like / don't you like about other vB5 based sites? Would you like to see forum structural changes etc? If so, what? How about subscription perks? Those are just a few ideas of things to discuss. Whatever the case, just please keep it civil and constructive. Your thoughts will certainly be taken into consideration as we go through the decision-making process of what Rage3D will look like moving forward.
Not a surprising first response lol. I expect the new forum software to allow us to customize advertising in a way that allows different forums to use different revenue models. This should allow us to be a more flexible in regard to content, as in the past, while continuing to present Rage3D as a hardware focused website.
This may be a silly question, can another option be added to the user cp that subscribers could use to enable certain ads?

I rarely lurk any more and always forget about the newegg ad etc - I'd love to be able to "switch" certain ads on or off while logged in.

Like I said, maybe silly but...
No suggestions here; just want to say good work and I'm looking forward to it.

I really hope we can eventually get a dark theme again someday soon; it's much easier on my eyes.
This may be a silly question, can another option be added to the user cp that subscribers could use to enable certain ads?

I rarely lurk any more and always forget about the newegg ad etc - I'd love to be able to "switch" certain ads on or off while logged in.

Like I said, maybe silly but...

I really like this idea; I highly miss certain ads which don't appear as a subscriber.
I really like this idea; I highly miss certain ads which don't appear as a subscriber.

If I'm not mistaken using the linked ad generates revenue for the site too, so win win.

Correct me if that's wrong though.
Not a surprising first response lol. I expect the new forum software to allow us to customize advertising in a way that allows different forums to use different revenue models. This should allow us to be a more flexible in regard to content, as in the past, while continuing to present Rage3D as a hardware focused website.

Thanks for the reply and for being a good sport about it. :heart:
Quote notifications
A proper user ignore feature
A thread ignore feature
Relax search limitations (delay, string length, results returned)
Automatically thumbnail quoted images
Increased PM boxes
Greater IRC visibility or chat integration
Thread / post bookmarks
Bot protection (though this doesn't seem as big a problem as it used to be)
Give-the-man-a-pint button
Thread rating/like system
Post rating/like system
Forum new-thread notifications (for dead forums like programming)
Personal user tagging

You could also consider monetization of new features. E.g. pay $5 and get cybrsages name changed to MassiveDouchebag for a month. Pay $20 and get GeneralLee banned for a week. I remember genmay implemented that like 10 years ago and made a fortune.
You could also consider monetization of new features. E.g. pay $5 and get cybrsages name changed to MassiveDouchebag for a month. Pay $20 and get GeneralLee banned for a week. I remember genmay implemented that like 10 years ago and made a fortune.

:lol: , OMG, that would be pandemonium!

Some good suggestions on that list:

Relax search limitations (delay, string length, results returned)
Automatically thumbnail quoted images
Increased PM boxes
Give-the-man-a-pint button
Updated tapatalk support where you can receive notifications and actually look at member information.
I want to see more cute animal gifs from bob.

Barring that, a way to NOT see posts by people on my ignore list when they've been quoted. Of course, I have no one on my ignore list, but that's a minor detail. :bleh: