Pockemon Go

yep, the fight was easy, the catch not so much. But this mob seems to be a lot harder to catch than others, i always had to use a lot of balls to catch em.
yeah this one is boosted as well. boosted ones are sneaky. its good we are best friend status so you get those extra chances :D
thx for the invite, bob ;) And yeah, i heard that from a lot of people, my neighbor yelled that loud i thought he was IN my house ..
also i spanked Cliff by accident if you'd call it so. Went in with Aquana, Tyranitar and Machamp and kinda destroyed him without any effort. Very strange fight.
oh very nice. yeah i definitely did need 2 strong waters and then a machamp for cliff's ttar. your vaporeon (aquana) must be REALLY levelled up.
well, the vaporeon is around 2900, it's not exactly my strongest one :lol:

another thing i hate, the re-naming for every region.
That has to be the utmost useless Pokemon ever

something i've noticed lately which makes no sense (for me at least). People keep inviting me to 1* raids. I mean, why would you do that? Spend a pricey raid pass for something you can do almost from level 1 on your own? That being said, my wifey also started playing .... she's constantly running out of pokeballs, i dunno how she manages to do it.
had a raid with 7 others, weren't able to kill the pathetic boss (Deoxys) in time. I have no idea how this could've happened. I mean 7 people couldn't knock down a 35k boss? Seriously? Wow....
had a raid with 7 others, weren't able to kill the pathetic boss (Deoxys) in time. I have no idea how this could've happened. I mean 7 people couldn't knock down a 35k boss? Seriously? Wow....

Deox is even more tanky than Lugia, and I think possibly the hardest boss, so you would need more than usual... the absolute lowest I would try it with 6, and I have finished it with 5 before with like 10 seconds left.

you just have to make sure you're in a group with not level 20 guys who don't know what counters to use. if people start bringing lugia and dragonite and other garbage, you can easily fail this with 8 or even more. I just did it with 10 and I think we had about 90 seconds left or less :eek:

Have you found a shiny flying pikachu or shiny Darumaka? I only found 100% Darumaka and no shiny ones.
well, i have finished Deox with smaller groups just fine, even with lots of time left. It also only managed to get away once. Of course you need a bit higher level players, but the group consisted of almost 90% players level 40 and higher. Well, whatever.

As for pika and daru, sadly no shiny yet
well, i have finished Deox with smaller groups just fine, even with lots of time left. It also only managed to get away once. Of course you need a bit higher level players, but the group consisted of almost 90% players level 40 and higher. Well, whatever.

As for pika and daru, sadly no shiny yet

Nice nice. Have you bought a gofest ticket? I didn’t participate last year since I only started the game like a month before it happened, but this year I bought. It’s nice it’s also like 1/3rd the price of last year.
Nice nice. Have you bought a gofest ticket? I didn’t participate last year since I only started the game like a month before it happened, but this year I bought. It’s nice it’s also like 1/3rd the price of last year.

nah, i haven't bought anything and i most likely won't ever
nah, i haven't bought anything and i most likely won't ever

so its a 2 day thing. day 1 is mainly just catching random stuff, trying to get shiny ones, etc.

day 2 is the big deal. everyone even without a ticket gets access to a ton of basically all the 5* raid bosses that have been out in the game. the ticket just grants you 10 extra in-person passes. i figured that was a good deal since ill do a lot of in person raids on that day 2...