Pb with AIW Radeon - Tuner TV


New member
Hi !

I'm French and i have a problem avec AIW Radeon:
When a click on TV, it don't run and this message appears:
The TV player failed to initialize the video

Ensure the correct video drivers have been installed etc....
but not other soft runs.
and in the logs file :
[11:48:59] CDispControl_DS:SelectDecoder No Decoders available!
[11:48:59] TvDisp: StartUp: Failed to DirectShow Filter Graphs
[11:48:59] TVUIO::Startup Failed InitDisplay on Display
[11:50:09] [ResMngr] CResMngrApp::LoadApplications() FAIL to StartUp UIO

Thanks to help me !!

AMD 900 - KT7RAID - AIW radeon - 128M - DVD ASUS - PCI64
Sounds like a non-proper installation of the drivers. You should try to Reinstall the drivers and see if it detects a Decoder. That May help, if not Formatting is my savior.
What version of Windows do you have?

AIW radeon software (multimedia center) is DirectShow based and requires some WEB TV components that are not available in european versions of Windows.