Half-Life 2/Doom 3 Tech Comparison ...

rth said:
then perhaps you'd like to say what part is wrong and why?
How about the "D3's Quake3-era low-polygon ugliness" one? Have you even played the game? Character models are not restricted by the engine anyhow, if you were referring to them. Thus they don't equal backward tech.

Surely you have noticed by now that HL2's outdoor scenes appear to be quite low-poly aswell? I don't doubt that you could make them more detailed, but it would simply raise the performance bar too high for Valve's liking.

I must be the only person on the planet who DOESNT want:

Fully interactive enviroment

Understand that Doom3 not having these things is not a fault of the game.. Some people actually enjoy Doom3's gameplay.

I'm so goddamn sick of these wannabe realistic shooters.

"Oh look, a crane. Positioned perfectly over a group of badguys. Maybe I'll pick this box up and drop it on these bad guys."

"Oh crap.. where do I go? im locked in this room... *boooom* . Oh, thank GOD for that explosion blowing a hole in the wall right as I entered the room helping me progress further into the game, how clever!"

"An open field.. hmm.. That sure is a long way to walk. Oh look at this, a VEHICLE! The first one in the game.. How convenient. I'll just drive to the next checkpoint"

I am so ****ing sick and tired of this cheesy gimicky type of gameplay. Noone knows how much I hate it.. Bunch of kids get sooo excited because .. omg.. you can activate a fan that chops up the badguys for you!

its retarded.. I've thought this from day one and I still havent changed my mind. HL2 is CHEESY in every sense. Cheesy graphics, cheesy gameplay, cheesy storyline.. No gameplay, just one stupid "push button to kill a badguy in a different way" situation.

GUESS WHAT. Pressing a button to make a box fall on a badguy is not cool any more.

What does halflife2 have?

Vehicles (oooh.. ahhh! fits the game so perfectly :rolleyes: )
Soldiers (yea, there arent enough soldiers in games)
Shiny water
Stuff that you can blow up

hmm.. hit a headcrap with a crowbar, get that small green blood splatter effect, enemy doesnt act like you did anything to it..

duck. hit box with crowbar to proceed to next area.

press button to to launch missle to blow a hole in the wall to get to another button to open a door that lets you get activate a lift that takes you to a building that has a bridge that leads you to a canyon that is blocked by rubble so you climb the canyon walls on pieces of rock positioned perfectly in a line across the rubble in distances just short enough for you to jump to so you can get to the base that has the boss that is for some reason blocking a door that you have to go through so you go to another room to press a button that kills the boss so you can go through the room where you find a train that leads you to the next area where you have to open a door to get to a missile that you use to blow through a wall to get to a button to open the door...........................

thats halflife.. halflife2 .. etc.. I hated packman when I was young, noone knows how much.. I was a pong kinda person.

Halflife2 = pacman. Doom3 = Pong.. in terms of gameplay

and i cant believe some of you are actually comparing the graphics of HL2 to Doom3? what does HL2 have? shiny water..

oh ****, forgot the average age of people who play these games. SHINY WATER > Technology

I really wasn't impressed with doom3 technology at all, lighting...really wasn't impressed by that neither; seems like the whole gimmick to doom3 was lighting :rolleyes:. The gameplay was bleh, got tired of it after the third level uninstalled it and thats the end of that game.

Hl2 I'm looking foward to more, not because of the graphics (although the facial animation is awesome) but gameplay. Hl2 may not have the most unique story-line but if hl1 is any indicator (considering the story person is working on the 2nd one) the story will probably flow much better.

As hammy said hl1 will have characters that you grew fond of (barney you lovable goof) doom3 3 has um....well to the extent i played it...nothing.

I wasn't even expecting anything from doom3 neither, while everyone was hyping it the week before the video caught my intrest..the hype got got me and I blindly got it (the reviews didnt help neither, everyone giving it 90's because of the name).

I'll be first to say this hl1>doom3; althoguh hl1 is a 6 year old game, and I've played it over at least 8 times...ill still take it over doom3 anyday
smarterchild said:
Doom 3 is too dark and too gloomy and has too much of an evil atmosphere to even compare level design, polygons, and character expressions.

Maybe in the future when a lighted outdoor city game is created using the Doom 3 engine, maybe then it would be logical to compare the two games, but right now we have a horror based game on a dark facility of mars, vs. a futuristic alien invasion game on earth.

Check out Carmacks speech from quakecon.
He mentions a lot of flaws in the Doom3 engine, which would make it hard to do outdoor well-lighted areas atm. But he also said it would be possible to remedy these limitations in the future. ;)

But now aliasing is cropping up within the characters or objects themselves, and not just at the edges, because of the new lighting illuminating different pieces of the model. Sometimes a particular surface of a model will hit the light just right so that you end up with some completely white pixels. This is a problem you'd see in the new engine if the lights were brighter, but in a game like DOOM 3 it's pretty well hidden. This is the kind of thing Carmack looks to fix as he moves the DOOM 3 engine forward.
ErrorSzz said:
why was barney lovable?

seems like your jealous of hl's popularity, even though doom series is suppose to be "the father of all games" hl is gaining the most popularity and you know as well as I do, everyone and their mothers will probably buy hl2 and most likely love it.

But to amuse you, barney is lovable because he has personality (you know that thing where you can distinguish characters from each other...doom3 really didnt have that, did it?), type of guy you can go have a few drinks with, have a few laughs. I could see a real life barney around, he's the first character I talked to in hl and the first words from him were "hey gordan maybe later I can buy you a beer". Doom3 gave me nothing memorable.
rth said:
then perhaps you'd like to say what part is wrong and why?

You obviously have no idea what the doom 3 engine is capable of and you're just trying to make guesses that it can't do anything besides games just like doom 3 (which all game reviewers seem to think is untouchable graphics-wise) somehow I think carmack wouldn't make an engine that is both meant to be liscensed and at the same time totally obsolete and inaccessable to developers.
Personal Preference: I like the way Half Life 2 looks better than the way Doom 3 looks.

Engines: I think both engines have excellent futures, but we can't predict the future.

I think, after seeing the Unreal 3 engine, that it's actually going to take the cake... we're more likely to see it flourish than either Doom 3 or Half Life 2. No one knows for certain yet, but Unreal 3... well, look at the screenshots.

I agree that Half Life 2 apears to have better animation (40 muscles in NPC faces for god's sake!), sound (remember those Doom 3 weapons?), and probably gameplay (physics gun for example), but there's no way I can say I didn't enjoy Doom 3.

From a technical standpoint, I'd say they both rank very high on the charts, if for different reasons. I doubt I'm going to jump much (if at all) when playing Half Life 2, where as in Doom 3 my nerves were jangled after only an hour of play.
i am really enjoying Doom III. It's very easy to immerse yourself in what's going on and by doing that it is a VERY scary game. Some of the scares are cheap and predictable, but most of them make your heart pound. I'm enjoying the story line as well! I'm sure HL2 will be just as good if not better, and that's fine by me. 2 great games!
wtf? where you could distinguid character? which characters?

the 3 different scientists
that one guy you work for in HL2

ok.. 3 characters.. how many barneys were in the game? 10? 30? how many times does he say "let me buy you a beer?" ? kill the guy and there he is.. standing there around the next corner.

you sure you truly believe what you're saying?
Wish HL2 would come out soon to put these blind D3 fanboys back in reality. ErrorSzz, I know you're sad D3 didn't live up to the hype in any sort of the imagination, but quit trying to make yourself believe it was a good game. That's just silly.

Let me guess... you had to clean up a little bit around the house so mommy can buy that $60 game for you? Gotta justify that purchase! :lol:
ErrorSzz said:
wtf? where you could distinguid character? which characters?

the 3 different scientists
that one guy you work for in HL2

ok.. 3 characters.. how many barneys were in the game? 10? 30? how many times does he say "let me buy you a beer?" ? kill the guy and there he is.. standing there around the next corner.

you sure you truly believe what you're saying?

might of been the same barney but hell for the time he fought beside you

doom 3 has uh wait...that dude.....well you talk to that scientist before he died...ya thats right doom3 had nothing, I'm a wimp when it comes to horror games but doom 3 failed "Oh noes theres and imp in front of me...phew killed him but wait they surprised me yet again with someone behind me!!!111" doom3 is just another chaser or vietcong. A mindless shooter with a crap story, nothing memorable. Find the something turn around and shoot whoever is behind you, wow I can see the fun in that.

Hl had the crowbar....pathetic how a single crowbar can be more memorable then a whole game huh? Label me a fanboy or whatever I really don't care, hl>doom series anyday "OMG YOU G01 UB3|2 PWN3D TH3RE"

You guys really do take this **** too seriously...


trying to compare the two is stupid bounty_hunter.. why are you argueing that barney had more life to him then whatever characters were in Doom3? what do you think your accomplishing by doing this?


I'm too old for this childish ********.. I'm gonna go play Eve


there, posted your next reply for you..
you guys sound like the guy who wrote this article.. didn't like Doom3 gameplay so that makes everything in doom automatically suck

Graphics ? HL2 IS BETTER
Characters? HL HAS BARNEY
No, i'm not.. im getting annoyed at all of these anti-doom3 threads though

personally I loved Doom3 and I'm looking forward to HL2 (HOLY ****?)
ErrorSzz said:
No, i'm not.. im getting annoyed at all of these anti-doom3 threads though

personally I loved Doom3 and I'm looking forward to HL2 (HOLY ****?)
So what, people are aloud to have there own opinions.
I also thought I would love Doom 3 too-

Then I played it. I would have rather gotting teabaged by a monkey then continue playing that sorry excuse of a game, I swear, If I ever saw Jhon carmack I would kick him square in the nuts for doing such a hack job. What a douche.
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:lol: at |FRITZ| ( I feel the same way )

Read this Doom3 review... Its long but sums it up why people are not happy with it quite nicely ->LINK

I like this quote from review.

"I'll read you the last line. 'Although it's built from an impressive engine, Doom 3 is ultimately a soulless derivative rehash of tired, tried, and true motifs. It is a bauble that reminds us of id's triumph when it comes to technology and their abject failure when it comes to imagination.'"
|FRITZ| said:
Then I played it. I would have rather gotting teabaged by a monkey then continue playing that sorry excuse of a game, I swear, If I ever saw Jhon carmack I would kick him square in the nuts for doing such a hack job. What a douche.
This is the sort of "opinion" people can have, but others don't really want to know about. Maybe you'll understand that eventually.